10 Best Supplements for Anxiety in 2022

An anxious lady: Best supplements for anxiety

Are you looking for the best supplements for anxiety that will help you relieve the symptoms of anxiety and depression/ stress? Worry no more for this article has the ultimate solution for you. Various supplements have been tested and proven to be effective in relieving anxiety symptoms.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America has found that 6.8 million adults get affected by generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), including phobias and panic. Such conditions get treated through medication and therapy.

Among the supplements used include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and herbal remedies. We have compiled a list that has reliable support and evidence for their effectiveness. Let’s have a look.


Evidence-based best supplements for anxiety

Vitamin D

Vitamin D: One of the best supplements for anxiety

If you are having challenges with unregulated moods, then you should try vitamin D. Vitamin D is one of the 10 best vitamins for anxiety. It plays a vital role in regulating your mood and ensures that your brain and nerves are healthy.

A study conducted in 2017 and presented by the Hindawi journal of diabetes research shows that Vitamin D supplements play a role in boosting the mood of women with type 2 diabetes.

Vitamin D features as a result of exposure to the sun. It is directly responsible for healthy bones. Having a low mood is a sign of lacking vitamin D. The link between vitamin D and anxiety is evident.

You can get vitamin D by taking a little bit longer time exposed to sunlight. However, consuming foods that are rich in vitamin D creates a rich source for the supplement. The primary source of the vitamin is fatty fish.

Consumption of fish such as mackerel and salmon will help you acquire high levels of vitamin D. Consumption of Raw maitake mushroom and dried shiitake mushroom also helps in boosting the levels of vitamin D.


Ashwagandha: one of the best supplements for anxiety

Ashwagandha is a medicinal herb in Indian Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest medicinal systems that has been used for over 3,000 years. It’s known for increasing energy by enhancing your body’s resilience to physical and mental stress.

The root of the Ashwagandha plant is traditionally boiled in milk until it becomes a paste. You can also find it as an extract or tincture. When taken regularly, it has been shown to relieve anxiety and depression symptoms.

For example, some studies have found that patients with anxiety who took 300mg of Ashwagandha per day were able to reduce their anxiety levels by almost half.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea

Adaptogens are some of the best types of herbs for anxiety. When you’re suffering from anxiety, your body is under an immense amount of stress. As a result, it’s often difficult to cope with the level of fear and anxiety you feel. Adaptogens allow your body to cope with this stress by enhancing your physical performance and easing mental fatigue.

Rhodiola Rosea is one of the most powerful adaptogens out there. It’s able to boost your serotonin levels, which will help combat depression and negative feelings while also lowering inflammation in the body.

These properties make it perfect for those who suffer from high levels of anxiety or those who want to be able to handle their stress without resorting to medication.


The human body needs iron to make hemoglobin, iron deficiency causes iron deficiency anemia, which can cause a feeling of fatigue and being weak leading to anxiety and depression, iron deficiency since anemia is one of the most common causes of anxiety.

Iron is a nutrient that the body needs for many different reasons. Iron deficiency can cause iron deficiency anemia, which may lead to feelings of fatigue and weakness. Once iron levels fall below 50%, it can cause mental changes such as confusion and irritability.

Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common causes of anxiety. However, this doesn’t mean that supplementing with iron will cure your anxiety. In fact, it won’t help in those cases where there are other problems leading to anxiety such as depression or illness.

It’s important to remember that even though supplements can be helpful in certain situations, they shouldn’t be used in place of medication when prescribed by a doctor.


Magnesium is vital for the efficient functioning of the body system. The presence of magnesium in the body guarantees the proper functioning of the body’s enzymes, nerves, immune system, and blood pressure regulation.

Research conducted in 2017 by Neil Bernard Boyle shows that magnesium supplements play a significant role in improving anxiety measures. Another research by Neil Bernard Boyle shows that women experiencing anxiety due to premenstrual syndrome had significant improvement after taking magnesium supplements.

Magnesium supplements are obtained by consuming certain foods that contain high nutritional values. Such foods include spinach, whole wheat, dark chocolate, black beans, almonds and cashews, and quinoa.

You can also boost your magnesium levels by taking magnesium dosage. However, there is a need to take caution because excess dosage leads to diarrhea. You can start with a lower dosage and then improve bit by bit. Avoid taking over 350 mg per day.

Vitamin B complex

Featuring is another vitamin supplement that has proven to be active and high-performing. Vitamin B is composed of 8 nutrients that work together to achieve a unique function in maintaining efficient collaboration between body organs.

They play a significant role in maintaining proper metabolism, healthy skin, brain cells, and body tissues. It also plays a role in boosting blood circulation and managing stress levels. Lower blood levels make the levels of stress and anxiety high.

A study conducted in 2017 and presented in the journal of biomedical and clinical research, volume 10 issue number two shows there is a relationship between anxiety, depression, and the levels of vitamin B12.

Another study conducted in 2018 and presented to the journal of functional foods volume 40 shows that people who consume foods rich in vitamin B, especially those related to yeast, had better levels of stress and anxiety.

B vitamins such as B-12 and B-2 feature in animal-based foods. You will, therefore, need to do a proper balance between vegetables and animal products. Because B vitamins come in the same meals, taking typical meals will give your body many vitamins.

The best foods that boost vitamin B levels include bee, leafy greens, avocado, pork, organ meats, grains, milk, mushrooms, fortified bread and cereals, fish, and many others.  You can also opt to get drug supplements that exist in tablet forms.

Drug consumption will need doctors’ advice and prescription.

Multivitamin and mineral supplements

A supplement with a wide range of combinations of vitamins and minerals can be very beneficial to people with anxiety. Multivitamin brands have different compositions of ingredients aimed at solving a specific challenge.

A composition of several vitamins helps in boosting certain health conditions and bodily reactions. People with disorders and anxiety show a significant improvement when they consume multivitamins and mineral supplements.

A study conducted in 2019 and presented in the journal of Current developments in nutrition volume 3(supplement 1) shows that a supplement that contains magnesium, calcium, vitamins B and C, and zinc had a significant reduction in the rate of anxiety.

Another study conducted in 2018 by Samantha M. Kimball presented to MDPI nutrients journal volume 10 issue number 2, shows that people with anxiety and other disorders can have a significant benefit from taking multivitamin supplements.

Consumption of multivitamins and mineral supplements needs proper guidance from a doctor or a pharmacist. Each supplement has an outstanding effect on the person who is taking them. You should, therefore, consider one that is responsive to your body.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm is an herb that has leaves with a smell like that of a lemon. It has a relationship with min, which is also known to have nutritional and medicinal value. Lemon balm is responsible for relieving various conditions, including anxiety.

Lemon balm is handy in calming the body, therefore, inducing a relaxed state of anxiety. When consumed, you will enjoy quality sleep and reduced stress levels.

The study entailed people who had recent heart bypass surgery. Heart challenges are often associated with anxiety. Lemon balm had a significant drop in the levels of stress.

Another study conducted in 2016 by Shirin Chehroudi and other authors reveals that balm tea (Mellissa Officinalis) works perfectly in improving the levels of anxiety in people who had experienced burns.

People with anxiety and high-stress levels get relief when they take lemon balm.


L-theanine occurs in black and green tea. The supplement comes in the form of an amino acid that has a remarkable effect on lowering stress and anxiety levels. Some evidence tends to prove that it is a mild sedative with an anti-anxiety agent.

MDPI nutrients journal volume 8 issue 1 reveals that people who consumed a beverage with 200 mg of L-theanine had a reduced level of stress and anxiety. While undertaking a challenging task, they had lower cortisol levels than those who received a placebo.

Any person who took the L-theanine has anti-stress and positive behavior. Their performance when it comes to the workplace was better, and they had better composure when they were stressed.

Relaxation after taking L-theanine is active and does not cause drowsiness. You will get a night of better sleep, better blood pressure control, and increased focus. However, the consumption of large amounts of the supplement may lead to irritability and nausea.

When taking the L-theanine, you will need to start with the lowest levels of dosage. The capsules come in tablets of 200 mg. One tablet is enough. However, before you consume 400 mg and above, you will need a doctor’s prescription.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Taking fish and flaxseed will offer you an excellent reduction in anxiety. Omega-3 plays a significant role in maintaining brain health. The most beautiful thing is that the body cannot produce fats, so they must be consumed from another source.

Nineteen clinical trials that feature an article on systematic review and meta-analysis by the Jama network open show that the omega-3 supplement was helpful for people with anxiety. Specifically, fish oil offers excellent help for people with anxiety.

Another review study by the frontiers in psychology shows that consuming low amounts of omega-3 may raise the risk of anxiety. Consuming adequate amounts of omega-3 supplements would drastically lower and treat anxiety and depression conditions.

Omega-3 supplements not only offer health benefits to people with anxiety but also provide many health benefits. If you get fatty fish, you will have a rich source of omega-3. Other sources include nuts, seeds, and omega-3-rich vegetables.

Generally, plant-based foods make the most abundant source of omega-3 fatty acids. You will get perfect omega-3 supplements in fish oil, krill oil, cod liver oil, ALA supplements, and algae oil.

However, it would be best if you take caution when consuming omega-3 fatty acids. They can easily interfere with other medications such as blood thinners. Proper guidance should, therefore, be offered by a doctor, especially if you have preexisting conditions.

Valerian root

The valerian plant has been in use as medicine for a very long time. Its roots have also proved to be very efficient when it comes to relieving anxiety. NCCIH recommends valerian for use by adults for short periods hence its use in anxiety.

However, there is a need to do more studies to prove its effectiveness. The studies that already exist show that it is sufficient for solving anxiety issues, but it is not clear to what degree it offers effectiveness.

The global journal of health science conducted a study in 2015 volume 7 focused on women undergoing medical procedures. It concluded that those who took supplements registered lower levels of anxiety and depression.

Another study by the Scopus preview in 2017 compared valerian to placebo. It was done on women in the postmenopausal stage and concluded that the use of supplements have low levels of depression and anxiety.

The roots make perfect choices for managing anxiety, but they should be used for short periods.


Are you a person who gets relieved by natural scents? Try the lavender aroma too. Several people feel relieved when they smell the lavender plant. Some evidence also shows that smelling lavender can help reduce anxiety to a high degree.

NCCIH also says that lavender gets used as a relief tool for anxiety. However, existing research proves that it produces mixed results. It, therefore, calls for more research to measure the extent of its effectiveness.

A study conducted in 2015 and presented to the journal of caring sciences volume 4, shows that if you apply the lavender cream on your skin or take a foot bath, you will feel anxiety relief. It proved to lower stress and anxiety levels in pregnant women.

Another study conducted in 2017 by Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology volume 2 issue 6 shows an effect on people set for surgery. It shows that the people who tried to use aromatherapy with lavender experienced reduced anxiety after surgery than those who didn’t.

Lavender can be applied to the skin with coconut oil or get it inhaled using an effective oil diffuser. It proves to be very useful in the application or when inhaled.


The chamomile flower has been in use for a very long period for its calming effect. Preliminary studies from the NCCIH show that when used as a dietary supplement, chamomile is helpful for GAD.

Since there have been no studies to prove the effectiveness of chamomiles, there is a need to have a substantial agreement about it. However, there is proof that it has a perfect outcome when used to relieve anxiety.

A random study in 2016 by Elsevier under Phytomedicine volume 23 issue14, shows that people who consumed 500 mg of chamomile thrice a day has low anxiety as opposed to those who took the placebo. The symptoms of GAD lowered too.

Another study of 2016 under the same volume shows that people who consumed chamomile extract for eight weeks had reduced GAD symptoms. People using 1500 mg of chamomile per day had improved anxiety as opposed to those under anti-anxiety drugs.

Therefore, chamomile tea, oils, and supplements are very effective in lowering anxiety and depression levels. A remarkable thing about chamomile is that it has no limits of use or any severe side effects.

How to choose the best anxiety supplement for you

There are a lot of different factors to consider when you’re choosing an anxiety supplement. One of the most important things to look for is a reputable brand with quality ingredients and user reviews. Nobody wants to take supplements that don’t work.

That’s why it’s important to make sure you choose a reputable brand, with quality ingredients, third-party certifications, and positive reviews from users.

If you have an anxiety disorder, it’s also important to check with your doctor before adding any new vitamins or supplements to your diet, as these can interfere with some medications.

It can be hard to find a supplement that works well and produces positive results, but there are many out there that will help you manage your anxiety and lead a healthy life.

Reputable brand

Even though supplements are often a quick and easy fix for mental health, it’s important to be careful when choosing what you buy. Just because something is marketed as anxiety relief doesn’t mean that it actually works. Many people have turned to natural supplements for things like anxiety and depression, but many of those end up being ineffective or dangerous.

One of the best ways to know if a supplement is going to work for you is by reading customer reviews. If there are dozens of reviews from people claiming that this product has helped them with their anxiety, then chances are it will work well for you too.

You can also look at whether or not that brand has been around for a while and has positive customer feedback. That way, you can feel confident in your purchase knowing that the company has an excellent reputation and has been helping people with their anxiety issues for years.

Anxiety is a difficult thing to live with. It can make you feel like the world is closing in on you, and it can make it really hard to do anything productive. In order to find relief, many people turn to supplements for anxiety. There are many different types of supplements– some work better than others but all have their own side effects.

It’s important to remember that anxiety supplements affect your life so you want to choose a reputable brand. If you choose a cheap brand that isn’t well-known or trusted, there’s no guarantee that it will even work. You should always research any supplement before taking it and try to find a reputable brand if possible.

Brand transparency

Brand transparency is important because it ensures that customers are getting the information they need to make an informed decision on which supplements to purchase.

Brand transparency is the most important thing to consider when purchasing any supplement. The brand should reveal all of the information about their product, including effectiveness, side effects, adverse reactions, interactions with other medications, etc.

It’s also important for them to standardize their product from batch to batch so that you know exactly what you’re getting every time.

This includes what the product can do, what side effects it might cause, and how it will affect other medications or supplements you might be taking. It’s also important that customers are aware of what the manufacturing process entails, so there are no harmful levels of contaminants or undeclared ingredients in the supplement.

Affirmative user reviews

One way to choose the right supplements for you is by looking at the reviews. One of the best ways to find supplements that will work for you is to read user reviews. Positive reviews are always a good indicator of safety and effectiveness, as they mean that other people have found success with the product.

If you find reviews where users report having a reduction in their anxiety levels, it’s likely that the supplement would work for you too. If you’re buying a product that has a lot of positive reviews, it’s likely that people are getting relief from this product.

In order to get the best results and reduce your anxiety, take the time to read the review before you buy an anxiety supplement. It takes less than five minutes and can help you make a decision with confidence.

Certifications (by third-party organizations)

Make sure to also look for certifications (by third-party organizations) before you buy a product. A good way to know your anxiety supplement is effective is by checking if it’s approved by the FDA. There are many products that are offered that haven’t been approved by the FDA, so make sure to take this into consideration.

You should always be wary of any products that haven’t been approved by the FDA, as they may not have undergone any testing and could be dangerous for you to consume. But just because a product is approved by the FDA doesn’t mean it’s effective or high quality.

When it comes to choosing the right anxiety supplements, it’s important to be careful. Not all supplements are created equally and some of them may not work as well as others.

That’s why it’s important to choose a product that is approved by FDA, and has other certifications such as a Certificate of Analysis (COA) from NSF, USP, Banned Substances Control Group (BSCG), or ConsumerLab. These additional certifications show us that an organization has done extensive testing on a product and has ensured that it’s safe and will work effectively in those who use it.

These certifications will also show you how pure the ingredients in the product are and if they have anything that could cause harm. The most popular supplement for anxiety is L-Theanine because it can help relieve negative feelings like stress and sadness, allowing people to feel more relaxed. L-Theanine is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, which allows for better absorption into the brain. It also has no side effects or known withdrawal symptoms!

Quality ingredients

The best anxiety supplements for you will depend on what type of anxiety you have. You should choose a supplement that has the best and quality ingredients for anxiety.

Anxiety is a complex thing and can come in many different shapes. It can be caused by a number of things, like genetic predisposition, hormones, or even just the environment.

One of the most important aspects of finding the right anxiety supplements is to make sure they have quality ingredients that are known to help with anxiety. This means that you want to look for supplements with GABA, passionflower, valerian root, licorice root, ashwagandha, and Rhodiola.

These particular ingredients are known for helping people overcome their anxiety because they act on the brain’s GABA receptors and promote calmness.

This is why it’s so important to choose supplements that contain these particular ingredients. If you don’t know what type of anxiety you have or what’s causing it, there’s still hope! There are many different causes of anxiety so we recommend looking at other ingredients as well before settling on one supplement for your anxiety needs.

Nutrients in foods vs. vitamin and mineral supplements

When considering your anxiety supplement needs, you may be wondering if whole foods are enough to provide everything you need. The short answer is no. A varied and balanced diet will provide some of the nutrients necessary for good health, but it won’t provide all of them. Supplements are meant to help fill these gaps in your nutrient needs so that you can continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Supplements can also help manage symptoms of anxiety by providing key nutrients that may be lacking in your diet. For example, B-complex vitamins like biotin and thiamine are important for brain health and may help with mental clarity and emotional stability.

Calcium and magnesium are also two very important minerals for combating anxiety as they regulate the neurotransmitters serotonin, acetylcholine, and dopamine which can help reduce stress levels in the body.

One final word on supplements: it’s best not to take them without consulting with a doctor first. Start by telling your doctor what you’re feeling and what changes you want to make in order to feel better. Good doctors will know the best course of action for you based on your needs, medical history, lifestyle habits, etc., so don’t hesitate to ask.

Differences between whole food and supplements

Whole foods contain more than just vitamins and minerals, so choosing to eat healthier is always a good idea. But when it comes to supplementing your diet, supplements work better for some people.

Supplements are meant to help fill gaps in your nutrient needs, so if you’re deficient in something like B12 or D3, then taking that supplement might be the best option for you. As a result, not all anxiety supplements will be the same for everyone.

The best way to know what type of anxiety supplement is right for you is to talk with your doctor. Do they recommend any specific supplements? What nutrients do they want you to focus on? Are any of the ones you’ve read about also recommended by them?

Once you know what type of supplement is right for you, it’s time to find one that works well with your lifestyle and the rest of your diet. It could be hard at first, but once you start seeing results, it’ll feel great knowing that everything will be alright!

What are supplements, vitamins, minerals, and proprietary blends?

Supplements, vitamins, minerals, and proprietary blends are products that are taken by mouth and contain a “dietary ingredient,” such as vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, probiotics, antioxidants, or other nutrients which are available in numerous forms.

These supplements can come in capsules or gummies form; tinctures, powders, and liquids also exist. When these supplements are taken daily they can help improve health as well as boost energy levels. They may also help alleviate depression or anxiety symptoms when taken on a regular basis.

This is how to identify all of them:

  • Supplement: A product, such as a vitamin or mineral, that is taken by mouth and contains a dietary ingredient.
  • Vitamin: A substance that the body needs in small amounts to maintain good health.
  • Minerals: The chemical elements that are essential for human life and health and required in the diet.
  • Proprietary Blend: The practice of combining multiple ingredients into one supplement so you get the best of all worlds.

Proven benefits of taking an anxiety supplement

Anxiety supplements have been proven to have many benefits. Vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and herbal remedies can all be helpful in managing depression and anxiety.

Before choosing an anxiety supplement, it’s important to know which form of anxiety you’re suffering from as this will tell you what type of supplement will be most effective.

For example, if you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder or social anxiety, there are specific supplements that can help with your symptoms.

Best natural anxiety supplements:

Some people want a natural, holistic approach to overcoming their anxiety. As a result, many people turn to herbal supplements as an alternative to medication. Here are some of the best natural remedies for anxiety:

  • GABA – This supplement is often taken in the form of a pill and it’s one of the most common supplements for anxiety. When you take it, it increases serotonin levels in your brain and relaxes your nervous system.
  • Passionflower – This herb has been used for centuries by Native Americans to relieve stress and give them peace of mind. It’s also commonly used in Europe because it reduces feelings of depression and helps with insomnia.
  • Valerian Root – This herb has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy for various mental disorders like anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It’s popular because it doesn’t have any side effects and it’s totally safe.
  • Licorice Root – Whenever something stresses you out or triggers your anxiety, you can drink licorice root tea to help manage your symptoms. It contains compounds that act as antihistamines and anti-inflammatory agents which help reduce inflammation in the body (which can trigger or worsen symptoms of anxiety).
  • Ashwagandha– The main component of this herb is called “Withanolides” which helps lower cortisol levels in the body and reduces feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, and more.
  • Rhodiola Rosea

Best synthetic anxiety supplements

There are two types of anxiety supplements that people commonly take, and they’re often called “synthetic” and “natural.” The synthetic supplement is usually a medication or drug, like Xanax, that’s prescribed by a medical doctor or psychiatrist. A natural supplement is usually something made from plants, herbs, vitamins, minerals, etc.

Both are effective for managing and overcoming anxiety. If you have an issue with depression, then you may be prescribed antidepressants like Prozac or Zoloft which would be considered “synthetic.” But if your problem is just anxiety in general without any other issues accompanying it, then the best type of supplements to try are “natural.”

The best natural supplements for anxiety are typically those made from plant-based ingredients like chamomile, passionflower extract, magnesium oxide, etc. There are different types of anxiety disorders and each one requires a different type of treatment; so it is important to first evaluate your own symptoms to see what type of supplement will work best for you before trying anything out.

What vitamins are you lacking if you have anxiety?

If you have anxiety, it’s likely that you are one of the many people who are deficient in Vitamin B1. Studies show that Vitamin B1 deficiencies can lead to a variety of different mental disorders like anxiety and depression.

So if you have anxiety, then supplementing with Vitamin B1 could be one of the best things for your long-term health. As we mentioned before, it can be hard to pinpoint what’s causing the problem.

However, if you find yourself struggling with anxiety symptoms but don’t know why then it might be worth investigating your diet and taking a vitamin assessment. Supplements like Vitamin B1 are often helpful in managing many conditions like anxiety.

Can vitamin D reduce anxiety?

Vitamin D is a popular supplement for people with anxiety. In one study, a group of participants were given vitamin D supplements for six weeks and their levels of anxiety significantly decreased.

This makes sense as vitamin D increases serotonin levels in the brain, which helps relieve feelings of stress and anxiety. Vitamin D also plays an important role in mental health by increasing nerve growth factor and cell proliferation in the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain responsible for memory formation.

When you have low vitamin D levels, it can cause depression and impair cognitive function. It’s been shown that even those with severe depression can experience relief from symptoms when they increase their intake of vitamin D-rich foods or take supplements.

Can low iron cause anxiety?

Yes, when you have low levels of iron, less oxygen gets to your cells because of a lack of hemoglobin, which means the cells do not function properly and often leads to fatigue, weakness, and even anxiety and depression.

Iron deficiencies also make you more likely to get sick, which can lead to a depressed immune system. Iron is also important for our mental health, as it affects the neurotransmitters in our brain and helps them function properly. Low levels of iron will cause fatigue and weakness, but they can also lead to anxiety and depression.

Take multi-level marketing companies’ supplements with caution

The supplement industry has grown exponentially in recent years, and it’s now a multi-billion dollar market. With so much money to be made, the industry is also experiencing an influx of fraud and scams.

Unfortunately, multi-level marketing companies are leading the way when it comes to these scams. These companies have a bad reputation for selling ineffective or even dangerous supplements.

Most products sold by MLMs are not third-party tested for safety or accuracy in dosage, which means that consumers are taking unknown risks on products that may never provide any relief from their symptoms.

Final verdict on best anxiety supplements

The human brain is a complicated thing. It’s made up of dozens of different areas that work together to keep us functioning smoothly and consistently. The part of the brain that controls emotions like fear and anxiety is one of the most important organs in our body. When these emotions are out of whack, it’s usually because there’s something wrong in the brain itself.

Unfortunately, the brain is also one of the most complicated things in the entire body and it’s almost impossible to know exactly what it’s doing or how it’ll react to various stimuli. That’s why anxiety and other similar mental illnesses are so hard to overcome. If something is bothering you or causing you stress, it’s usually because there’s a problem somewhere in the brain.

As a result, many people have turned to supplements to help them manage and overcome their anxiety. In this article, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about anxiety supplements. We’ll also be recommending some of the best anxiety supplements for different types of anxiety, as well as showing you how to choose the right supplements for you.

Among other methods like yoga exercises, regulars exercise, and deep breathing, the use of supplements has been very effective in managing anxiety. When rightly guided by a doctor, supplements are very responsive.

The supplements in our article are excellent performers. However, the perfect thing is to use them under a doctor’s guidance.


What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease. It usually comes about in reaction to a stressful situation. For example, if someone doesn’t want to go to a party, they might experience anxiety as a result.
Anxiety is often thought of as an unhealthy mental illness and it can be found in many different forms. You might have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) which is an excessive worry about everyday events and activities that lasts for at least six months.
You may also suffer from social anxiety disorder (SAD) where you have a lot of anxious feelings around social situations and interactions with other people. Social phobia is considered the most common type of anxiety disorder and it’s when you become overwhelmed by fear in social situations like giving presentations or talking to strangers. The point here is that there are many different types of anxiety disorders and we’ll discuss them all below.

Which supplements are best for anxiety?

There are many anxiety supplements that have been proven to be effective against anxiety-related symptoms, including health supplements like GABA, passionflower, valerian root, licorice root, ashwagandha Rhodiola, theanine, and alpha-GPC. If you want to find the best supplement for your specific type of anxiety, it’s important to do some research and figure out which one is right for you.

How can I tell if a supplement will work for me?

To tell if a supplement will work for you, you need to do some research on what it can offer and how it works. Take into consideration if it’s something that has worked before or something new that might not work as well.
You should also consider what type of condition you’re dealing with. Some supplements may be more effective than others depending on your specific needs.
For example, if you’re dealing with panic attacks, a calming supplement might be better than an antidepressant because they target different emotions and feelings associated with panic attacks.

How long does it take for a supplement to start working?

This really depends on the type of supplement you’re taking, as well as your personal body chemistry and metabolism. Supplements usually take anywhere from a few days up to two weeks in order to become effective in changing your mental state or mood when treating various mental illnesses like anxiety. It’s important that you don’t give up after just a few days without any change because sometimes it takes time before the full effects

Dr. David Barlow

David is a well-known researcher and author in the anxiety disorders area with extensive research on their etiology, nature, and treatment. He started the site to share his real-life experiences on the management of anxiety disorders with successful diagnosis and treatment being his motivation to write or review the content on this site.