Can Nausea be Caused by Anxiety? And how to stop throwing up from Anxiety

Can Nausea be Caused by Anxiety? And how to stop throwing up from Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that comes with several symptoms. For most people who suffer from regular anxiety, there are four common questions they ask when they visit our clinic: “Can nausea be caused by anxiety?” “How to stop throwing up from anxiety” “Why does anxiety cause nausea?” “How to tell if nausea is from anxiety”

We will explore all the symptoms of anxiety attacks in detail. We will go deep into the relationship between anxiety, nausea, and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting in anxiety especially for people who get regular attacks can be debilitating.

In addition, for people with anxiety, there are some other common issues about symptoms that they ask about in our clinic including chest pain and anxiety, headaches, and anxiety, and how long anxiety attacks last.

Anxiety can cause nausea. The reason why anxiety causes nausea is because of the stress it creates on your body. When you have too much anxiety, your body releases hormones that cause a release of stomach acids in your digestive tract.

This can lead to nausea, which often results in vomiting. Your stomach acids are meant to digest food in your stomach and help break down proteins. Not being able to digest this food can lead to the feeling of nausea and even vomiting. If you’re experiencing this feeling and it lasts for more than a few days, you should consider speaking with your doctor about it.


Can Nausea be Caused by Anxiety?

Anxiety can cause nausea and other digestive system symptoms. These nausea feelings in people with anxiety do not last for long. However, in some individuals, anxiety-caused nausea can be troublesome to the point of vomiting. This is because stomach movements can make you throw up.

Nausea is a common symptom associated with anxiety and stress. When a person experiences anxiety, their body’s stress response is activated, leading to various physiological changes, including the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

These hormones can affect the digestive system, causing symptoms such as nausea, stomach discomfort, indigestion, and even vomiting. The body’s natural “fight-or-flight” response can redirect blood flow away from the digestive organs and toward the muscles, heart, and lungs, which can further contribute to gastrointestinal symptoms.

Additionally, anxiety can also influence the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine, which play a role in regulating mood and gastrointestinal function. Imbalances in these neurotransmitters can contribute to digestive symptoms, including nausea.

When most people experience anxiety, for example before making a speech, sitting for an exam, or driving the car alone for the first time, they always say that they have butterflies in their stomachs. The moments of high anxiety bring about queasy feelings that people refer to as ‘butterflies in the stomach.

Since anxiety is a normal human emotion and it affects everyone, the feelings of nausea might be normal if it does not happen too often. It’s important to note that while anxiety can cause nausea, there could be other underlying factors or medical conditions that may contribute to or exacerbate the symptoms.

Anxiety is a normal feeling that many people experience. However, when anxiety becomes too intense, it can cause you to feel nauseous. The reason for this is that sometimes you can feel like your stomach is in knots and there’s a heavyweight sitting on it. This can lead to nausea and other unpleasant symptoms.

If this sounds like you, there are ways to relieve your anxiety so that it doesn’t continue to worsen. One way to do this is by taking deep breaths and focusing on the present moment. You should also try to eliminate any triggers of anxiety within your life that might be causing the feelings in the first place. If you think there might be something going on with anxiety that bothers you, consult a doctor immediately

What is nausea?

Nausea is a common side effect of anxiety. Even if you’ve never experienced it, you’ll probably recognize its symptoms: The feeling of being unwell, a sensation of your stomach falling, and a desire to be somewhere else.

Anxiety can cause nausea in much the same way that any other form of stress can. When you’re anxious, your brain releases hormones like cortisol. This hormone causes many different physical reactions like fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, and much more. It can also impact our gastrointestinal system by causing nausea.

Nausea is an unpleasant symptom, but fortunately, there are ways to manage it. Albeit not the most pleasant option, it may be a good idea to make sure that you eat before experiencing an episode of nausea caused by anxiety or another form of stress.

Eating food can help calm the stomach and lessen feelings of nausea. Additionally, staying hydrated is always a good idea as dehydration leads to feelings of nausea as well–especially for people who have been vomiting as a result of their anxiety or another formless stressor.

What causes nausea in anxiety?

Nausea in anxiety is believed to be caused by a combination of factors. When a person experiences anxiety, the body’s stress response is triggered, leading to the release of stress hormones, which can affect the digestive system and disrupt its normal functioning.

The body’s “fight-or-flight” response can redirect blood flow away from the digestive organs, potentially causing discomfort and nausea. Furthermore, anxiety can influence the release of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine, which regulate mood and gastrointestinal function.

The normal human emotion, anxiety, triggers a fight-or-flight response in your body. That response helps you to deal with an imminent crisis. This reaction happens so fast that the body can fight or escape the danger.

Imbalances in these neurotransmitters can contribute to nausea. Psychological factors, such as worry and anticipation of negative outcomes, can also play a role in triggering and exacerbating the sensation of nausea in anxiety.

The fight-or-flight mechanism involves the production of hormones in the body. The brain uses neurotransmitters to get the body prepared for the action by:

  • A message to the heart to start pumping faster
  • Messages to the lungs to start breathing faster
  • A message to the muscles to increase the tension
  • An increase in blood flow to the brain
  • Prepare almost all body systems including increasing the metabolism, skin, and others

Anxiety is a common feeling. If you have anxiety, you might feel scared, worried, or uneasy about something that could happen in the future. You might also feel like something bad is going to happen, even if it’s not true. Anxiety can cause many different symptoms including nausea.

Your mind can start to make your stomach feel bad with all of the thoughts that you have been having about what could happen in the future. In some cases, people who have anxiety will actually throw up because their stomach is upset from the way they are thinking about things.

Since almost all body systems are affected, the effects on the digestive system include:

  • Nausea and in some cases vomiting
  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Bloating
  • Stomachache

Nausea and vomiting effects are even worse in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and chronic upset stomach. People with those conditions, who are approximately 10 to 20 percent of Americans, experience nausea and vomiting almost every time they have anxiety.

Nausea is also common in the following anxiety disorders; generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), specific phobias, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). All these disorders if not managed can make you develop other conditions either mental disorders like depression or physical conditions.

Related: Can anxiety cause breakouts or acne?

How to tell if nausea is from anxiety

There are simple ways how to tell if nausea is from anxiety. The main way to know is to simply check when it occurs. If nausea occurs during periods of high anxiety then it is caused by anxiety. Also, nausea from anxiety most is able to pass in short order.

This is because once the body is used to the anxiety trigger or symptoms, the body is able to adapt. However, nausea may not only cause “butterflies in your stomach” but may even cause dry heaving or vomiting. Some people end up throwing up to relieve anxiety.

There are some anxiety disorders that are mainly associated with causing nausea as a symptom. The anxiety disorders that may cause nausea include:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (Chronic anxiety/ GAD)
  • Phobias
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Determining if nausea is specifically caused by anxiety can be challenging as nausea can arise from various factors. However, there are a few signs that may suggest a link between nausea and anxiety. If you frequently experience nausea during or in anticipation of anxiety-provoking situations, such as public speaking or social interactions, it may indicate an anxiety-related cause.

Additionally, if you notice that the onset of nausea coincides with other physical symptoms of anxiety, like rapid heartbeat, sweating, or shortness of breath, it can further support the association. However, it’s important to consider other potential causes and consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions or determine the precise cause of your nausea.

Other symptoms of anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders which present as panic attacks and anxiety attacks together with the accompanied periods of fear, worry or uneasiness present with the following symptoms:

  • Panic, fear, and uneasiness
  • Sleep problems
  • Memory problems
  • Irritability and restlessness
  • Cold, sweaty, numb, or tingling hands or feet
  • Shortness of breath and chest pain
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dry mouth
  • Tense muscles and getting fatigued easily
  • Dizziness, or faintness
  • Feeling of detachment

And how to stop nausea or throwing up from Anxiety

Like in other symptoms, nausea caused by anxiety can be controlled. If the nausea is caused by imminent danger, then that is a great body reaction. However, if there is no imminent danger, nausea and other symptoms must be controlled or treated.

Nausea and emesis in anxiety can be controlled in two ways; coping with anxiety or coping with emesis and nausea in anxiety. Dealing with anxiety will most definitely work on the accompanying symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

Coping with nausea

There are several ways of coping with nausea and emesis caused by anxiety. These include:

  • Foods: When nauseated take a little quantity of dry food like plain bread or biscuits while also avoiding fried, oily and sugary foods. Also do not mix hot and cold foods like a hot meal with cold soda or water. When vomiting, however, do not take any foods until the vomiting ceases.
  • Water: Slowly take some water when nauseated or vomiting. If water is unavailable, take something clear and cold. If vomiting this will help in replenishing lost fluids in the body.
  • Clothing: Avoid wearing tight clothes that can constrain the abdomen. Loose clothes will reduce acid reflux in the stomach.
  • Breathing: Take calm long, deep breaths. This will enable the body to relax and reduce nausea feelings
  • Physical activity: Avoid intense exercise or work. If possible, take a rest to get the feeling to pass.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine: When feeling nauseated or vomiting, it is recommended that you limit coffee or alcohol even though hydration is important.

Some people however result to throwing up to relieve anxiety (nausea from nerves). This may be a solution to reduce nausea and anxiety since it helps to reduce the “butterflies in the stomach.”

Coping with Anxiety

Nausea can be caused by anxiety. To mitigate on anxiety in the long term, the following can be done:

Anxiety disorders treatment: Relaxation techniques for nausea caused by anxiety
  • Regular exercise: The body during exercises does several things that can help in preventing or coping with anxiety. Exercise helps the body to be healthy and strong. Exercise also helps the body to regulate the brain chemicals. Exercise is a great method to cope with anxiety and reduce nausea from nerves.
  • Eat a balanced diet every time: Taking a healthy diet every day helps the body to heal and also helps in the functioning of all body systems. This also helps the brain to maintain the proper balance of chemicals such as hormones, neurotransmitters and others.
  • Talk about anxiety: Letting your family, friends or doctor know about anxiety goes a long way in helping you to cope with the anxiety. Family and friends may help in giving you the right conditions to calm down and relax while the doctor is able to recommend the best ways to keep the anxiety away.
  • Limit the intake of coffee, alcohol and other drugs: Alcohol and coffee reduce the capacity of the brain to keep a balance in brain chemicals. This makes someone more susceptible to anxiety attacks.
  • Learn relaxation techniques: Techniques such as meditation and yoga can help you to deal with anxious moments. The relaxation techniques may also be listening to a calming music or getting a massage. Aromatherapy or breathing exercises may also help to relieve the anxiety symptoms.
  • Learn more about anxiety: It is important to learn about anxiety in order to know how to prevent an attack or how to get relief from anxiety symptoms. Materials are available for you to learn about anxiety including books, games, and discussions with a psychologist.
  • Get enough sleep every day: Sleep is a natural body process that helps in the regeneration, healing, and regulation of brain chemicals. With enough sleep often, the body is able to keep all the systems running well in addition to keeping a proper balance of brain chemicals.

Nausea can be caused by other causes like infections from bacteria or viruses. It may also be an indication of other underlying medical conditions.

Stress and excitement can also be a cause of nausea and vomiting. The two reasons show the different extremes of human emotion. For us, excitement is a good reason for nausea while stress is not.

A game that young children like playing, and spinning around, can also cause nausea. Children love the feeling of dizziness that results from spinning around and this may also result in nausea.

Eating some foods can also cause nausea. Oily foods or even in situations where one overfeeds may cause nausea. This in some cases also leads to vomiting.

Taking alcohol and drugs can cause nausea. It is very common to see a drunk person vomiting either due to having too much in the stomach or the general feeling of nausea that accompanies taking of alcohol.

Having a headache can cause nausea. Finally, for some people, not getting enough sleep can cause nausea and vomiting. There are a million things that can cause nausea and subsequent vomiting in the human body. It is therefore important to learn how to cope with nausea even if the nausea is not caused by anxiety.

Coping Strategies for Managing Anxiety and Nausea

If you struggle with anxiety, there are a few ways to cope with nausea.

  • One strategy is to avoid places and situations that would typically cause anxiety. For example, if being in crowds triggers your anxiety and leads to nausea, try staying away from crowded areas or events until your anxiety subsides.
  • Another coping strategy is to eat slowly, as this can help soothe nausea caused by anxiety. You could also try eating smaller portions or avoiding acidic and spicy foods–these can cause nausea as well.
  • A third tip is to try an over-the-counter medication like Dramamine or Tums before getting in the car or before going into a stressful situation like a crowded room. These medications will help calm your stomach while also reducing feelings of nervousness or agitation that may accompany any stomach discomfort.

How to treat anxiety

Can anxiety disorder be cured? Anxiety disorder is a treatable human disorder. It can be treated using the following methods:

We have discussed the ways of coping with anxiety and thus will explore the medication and psychotherapy for anxiety management.

Use of medications

In the management of anxiety, there are fast-acting medications for panic attacks and long-term medication. The medications vary in the time they take to work, the side effects, the effects on anxiety, and their mode of action.

The fast-acting medication for panic attacks are benzodiazepines, GABA, and beta-blockers. The other medications will take a longer time for the effects to be felt including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin, and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and other anxiolytics like buspirone and antidepressants.


Psychotherapy is a talk therapy that is very effective for panic attacks and anxiety attacks. The psychologists work in combination with the patient to learn ways how to cope with anxiety, manage it or prevent anxiety attacks.

Some good examples are cognitive-behavioral therapy and transdiagnostic treatment. These methods are the best ways to treat anxiety. They also lead to long-term effects on anxiety, unlike anxiety medications.

Overcoming Anxiety and Nausea Together

Anxiety is a normal feeling, but too much of it can be negative. When you have too much anxiety, it can start to affect your life, as well as how you feel. One thing many people find unpleasant about anxiety is that they start to feel nauseous at times. Nausea is not an enjoyable feeling, which is why it’s important to take steps to overcome both of these anxieties together.

If your anxiety is making you feel nauseous and uncomfortable, there are ways to help you reduce the severity of these feelings. You can start by practicing self-care and taking good care of your body by eating healthy foods and doing exercise routines that make you happy.

If this doesn’t work enough then consider seeing a therapist or talking to a doctor about anxiety medication that might help reduce the symptoms. It’s also helpful to get yourself into a routine with someone else so they can help keep you accountable for what needs done in your day and make sure you’re getting out of the house every day.

The more we practice self-care and get out of our comfort zone the easier it will become for us and the less nausea we’ll experience when we face stressful situations that cause feelings of anxiety.

Why does anxiety cause nausea?

Nausea is often a side effect of anxiety because it stems from the stress hormones that are released by your brain in response to feeling afraid or threatened. As these hormones travel through your body, they can affect your gastrointestinal tract, which may cause nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, diarrhea, and more.

Nausea can also be a result of the feelings that go along with being anxious. For example, if you’re feeling anxious about an upcoming event like a doctor’s appointment or job interview, you may feel nauseous before and during the event as well as afterward.

Nausea in anxiety happens because when we experience anxiety, our bodies release adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones). These hormones have many different effects on our bodies including causing us to sweat, shake and feel dizzy; this goes for our digestive system too.

In some cases, nausea can be a sign of food poisoning or other health conditions such as ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). If you think you might be sick from something besides your nerves then it is important to see a doctor to get checked out.

What does anxiety nausea feel like?

When you experience anxiety, your stomach is likely to feel unsettled, thus you feel a bit queasy, like that “butterflies in your stomach” feeling. You may feel sick and you might even vomit. It’s common for people who experience anxiety and nausea to feel like they are going to vomit every time they get nervous.

The feeling of nausea is associated with the activation of a part of your brain called the hypothalamus. This area regulates many bodily functions, including digestion and hunger. When you feel anxious, it has an effect on how this part of your brain operates–and this can cause you to experience nausea.

Although anxiety doesn’t always result in nausea, about 20 percent of individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) do report experiencing it as a symptom.

Do anti-nausea pills work for anxiety?

There is no evidence that eclizine decreases anxiety long-term. One study found that people who needed to take it for a prolonged period of time suffered from anxiety. The other side effect can be extreme fatigue, which is also a common symptom of anxiety.

If you’re looking for an anti-nausea medication for your anxiety, there are many other options available:

  • Dramamine: This is a medicine used to treat motion sickness. It can help relieve symptoms such as dizziness and nausea associated with anxiety.
  • Zofran: This medication is typically used to treat the symptoms of nausea in morning sickness (also known as hyperemesis gravidarum). It’s also been found to be effective in treating gastrointestinal distress caused by chemotherapy.
  • Ginger supplements and ginger tea can be helpful because they both have calming effects on the stomach.
  • Bonjela or Oragel can numb the pain caused by an ulcer or sore throat, which may relieve any discomfort you feel in your stomach area. *

Can anxiety cause nausea for days?

Some people experience nausea as a side effect of anxiety. When you’re anxious, your brain releases stress hormones that can cause this feeling. If anxiety is severe, it could last for days or even weeks.

Symptoms of nausea can also be caused by something else in your life, such as feeling fear or pain, motion sickness, or even taking certain medications. The physical sensations of nausea are similar to those of a panic attack.

Nausea and the feeling of unwellness associated with a panic attack can sometimes come from thinking about the worst possible thing that could happen to you in any given situation – which is what causes them in many cases.

Does anxiety cause nausea and diarrhea?

Yes, nausea and diarrhea are two of the most common stomach problems that come with anxiety. This is because when your body releases stress hormones like cortisol, you may feel nauseous or experience diarrhea as a side effect.

There are many ways to deal with nausea caused by anxiety. For example, you can avoid certain triggers (like certain foods), drink ginger tea, or take medication prescribed by your doctor.

If you’re worried about the unpleasant side effects of anxiety, it’s best to seek professional help. If you persistently experience nausea caused by anxiety, it’s important to speak up and find out what’s going on. You may have a serious medical condition that needs attention from a doctor or other medical professional.

Link Between Anxiety and Nausea

Anxiety and nausea are linked to one another because when neurotransmitters get into the digestive tract, they upset the gut microbiome. This can cause stomach symptoms. In other words, it’s normal for someone who has the anxiety to feel nauseated more easily than others.

Nausea is often a symptom of anxiety that isn’t just related to physical illness. It’s also related to stress and the effect it has on your body.

Some common causes of nausea include:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Too much caffeine
  • Dehydration
  • Intense exercise
  • Pregnancy (hyperemesis gravidarum)

The Role of Nerve Cells in Nausea

There’s a scientific reason for your nausea. Nerve cells in the brain release neurotransmitters to prepare the body for fight or flight, which includes nausea. This is why you experience nausea when you’re feeling anxiety.

What does anxiety mean?

Anxiety is how your body responds to a stressful situation. It is a moment of fear, worry, and nervousness about something that is about to happen together with accompanying physical changes such as an increase in blood pressure.

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that helps the body to know how to act in situations of imminent danger. The body when exposed to danger triggers a fight-or-flight response which determines the next course of action.

The anxiety moment comes with some changes in the body including an increased heartbeat, sweating, chills, and being sensitive to the events happening around you. It may cause distress to be anxious, but it is not guaranteed to be a medical problem.

Anxiety is always experienced when met with a new situation like your first day at school or an interview, going on a date, or giving a speech. It may also be about family problems, finances, work, health, and others. These situations may not be the fight-or-flight events that faced our ancestors, but anxiety helps to come through the situations most times.

Excessive anxiety however is a mental disorder that lowers the quality of life. Chronic excessive worry, fear, nervousness and apprehension are some of the symptoms that symbolize anxiety disorder. It is important to know the differences between anxiety and anxiety disorder.

For anxiety disorder, it is recommended that you seek for help from a qualified physician. The doctor will explain how to manage the symptoms and the treatment options available for the disorder.

The bottom line

Nausea can be caused by anxiety, but it is also manageable and treatable. If it happens regularly, anxiety caused by nausea and vomiting can markedly lower the quality of life. In this case, it is good to see a doctor.

On how to tell if nausea is from anxiety: if nausea accompanies periods of high anxiety then you might be having anxiety nausea. In some of those people, they result in throwing up to relieve anxiety.

The best way to deal with it is to deal with anxiety in the first place which can be accompanied by managing nausea. The management of anxiety goes a long way in making sure other symptoms that are caused by anxiety are managed.

The word “anxiety” strikes fear in the hearts of many. From public speaking to job interviews, most people have experienced some form of social anxiety or the other. Similarly, many have also experienced nausea as a side effect of anxiety.

However, not all cases of nausea are the same. There are several reasons why you may be experiencing nausea. Common causes of nausea include motion sickness, eating too much spicy food, and even anxiety. If you’re experiencing nausea for the first time, it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible.


Can anxiety cause nausea and dizziness?

Yes, anxiety can cause nausea and dizziness in some people because of the stress hormones that are released during an attack. Stress hormones like cortisol are released by your brain when you feel afraid or in danger. For some, this change in your body and brain causes feelings of nausea.

Can anxiety cause nausea in the morning?

Yes, it may make a person feel nauseous in the morning. A feeling of nausea is a common side effect of anxiety, especially in the morning, and can be brought on by the release of stress hormones like cortisol.
This change in your body and brain can result in a variety of symptoms, such as fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, and much more.
While most experiences of anxiety are unpleasant, some people experience feelings of nausea as a side effect.

Can you get nauseous from anxiety?

Yes, Nausea is a common side effect of anxiety. It can be caused by increased cortisol levels, which are released when you are afraid or in danger. Nausea is also a common symptom of panic attacks, and it’s often accompanied by other physical symptoms like muscle tension and headaches.

Dr. David Barlow

David is a well-known researcher and author in the anxiety disorders area with extensive research on their etiology, nature, and treatment. He started the site to share his real-life experiences on the management of anxiety disorders with successful diagnosis and treatment being his motivation to write or review the content on this site.