Can Prozac Work the First Day? What does Prozac Feel like when it Starts Working?

Can Prozac Work the First Day? What does Prozac Feel like when it Starts Working?

Prozac is one of the most popular selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs today. But can Prozac work the first day? It has been marketed as an anti-depressant and a remedy for anxiety. It is not uncommon to be anxious from time to time. Most of us feel anxious when facing a new challenge or taking up a new responsibility at work, school, or home. But what does Prozac feel like when it starts working?

It’s normal to feel concerned about meeting new people, speaking in public, handling tough assignments, or other situations that trigger anxiety. Statistically, almost one in six adults in the U.S experiences some form of anxiety disorder each year – making it one of the most common mental illnesses. Ending up with an anxiety disorder can be quite ruinous for your personal life and career. 

Prozac is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and the first drug approved for treating depression. It also happens to have some pretty powerful benefits when it comes to anxiety. And with good reason: Prozac blocks the reuptake of serotonin, which in turn increases serotonin levels in the brain. After starting to take Prozac- in the first few weeks, you should notice improvements in energy levels, sleep quality, and an increase in appetite.

It’s one of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants and has a range of beneficial effects on our mental health. It can be especially helpful if you experience social anxiety, panic attacks, or general social fear. Let’s take a look at how effective Prozac is as a treatment for anxiety and whether it works the first day you take it.


What does Prozac feel like when it starts working?

When Prozac starts working (first few weeks), you will notice a reduction in side effects and also a reduction of anxiety symptoms thus getting an improvement in energy, increased appetite, better deep sleep, you will experience a reduction of fear of the things that normally trigger anxiety, your mood feels lighter, and feeling more relaxed or anxious.

Fluoxetine/ Prozac is a very effective medication for anxiety. After the body gets used to the medication, you are sure it will manage the anxiety while also giving very few side effects.

The effects of Prozac on anxiety and other mental disorders thus are having a feeling that the mood is lighter, you feel calmer as compared to before, you will be happier, with reduced anxiety and thus more relaxed. In this case, you will be able to function normally which means you can go to work, stay with your family, and go to school without any fear or anxiety.

Therefore, when you are taking Prozac for anxiety, depression, or other mental disorders, you should check out for reduced/ easing up side effects or they may disappear fully and reduction in the anxiety/ depression symptoms. These effects may happen on the first day for some people but for most, you will get better after 2 to 4 weeks.

Every individual experiences relief in different ways. Thus, you will get to experience a reduction of some side effects/symptoms while others may experience different disappearance of another set of side effects/ symptoms.

How to know if Prozac is working for your anxiety?

If you’re taking Prozac for your anxiety, you might notice a reduction in symptoms within the first few days. However, it may take up to 2 or 3 weeks before you experience a full therapeutic effect. You should also note that it can take up to six months for an individual to feel the full benefits of treatment with Prozac.

The best way to know if Prozac is working for your anxiety is by noticing a decrease in symptoms. You should feel more relaxed, improve sleep and appetite, feel less anxious, or reduce your fear of social situations. If these symptoms are decreasing, then Prozac is likely working!

Yes, you can take Prozac to help with your anxiety the first day you experience it. In fact, there is a range of SSRIs that can be helpful for reducing the symptoms of acute anxiety.

Whether you have general anxiety, social anxiety, or another form of acute anxiety, there are several SSRIs that can be helpful in lessening its impact on your life. Taking an antidepressant like Prozac for your first bout of anxiety is perfectly safe and will not cause any long-term side effects.

Prozac (fluoxetine) is one of many selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants. It’s also known by its generic name fluoxetine hydrochloride. It’s one of the most widely-used SSRI medications today and was created in the 1980s as a safer alternative to previous antidepressants such as tricyclic ADs which could have more serious side effects and resulted in lithium being commonly used as an alternative when nothing else worked.

What is Prozac and how does it work?

Prozac is a drug that’s used to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. It is one of the commonly prescribed medications for the management of depression and anxiety.

Prozac is the brand name for the ingredient fluoxetine. Prozac is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor), meaning that it blocks the reuptake of serotonin. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter (brain chemical) that is involved in the regulation of moods and anxiety.

Increased levels of serotonin can help manage depression, social anxiety, and panic attacks. Serotonin will work in the brain and the elevated amounts help to control anxiety.

How effective is Prozac for anxiety?

Why does my anxiety come and go for no reason?

It’s important to note that Prozac is a daily maintenance medication that is used to manage anxiety symptoms however, it may not be very effective for panic attacks that are already in progress. If you see a psychiatrist for your anxiety, they might prescribe an SSRI like Prozac to counteract the effects of serotonin on your brain.

It’s not a magic pill that will make all of your worries go away, but it can help if you struggle with social anxiety or general social fear. There are two ways to take Prozac: either once a day in the morning or evening, or as needed (PRN).

If you take it once a day, it should start working within four weeks. However, if you were prescribed PRN and took it as needed before going to bed, it might work right away. The effectiveness of Prozac varies person-to-person, so talk to your doctor about how best to use this medication for your needs.

Does Prozac work the first day you take it?

Even though Prozac will notice the antidepressant and anxiety symptom relief after 2 to 4 weeks of daily use, many depression and anxiety patients will notice some improvement on taking Prozac on the same day.

One thing that you may have wondered though is whether Prozac works the first day you take it. Improvements in the anxiety and depression symptoms may be seen on the same day, even though most people notice the antidepressant effects after 2-4 weeks of daily use.

Prozac will require some time before it can effectively make the changes to your brain chemistry for anxiety treatment. Therefore, do not expect marked improvements in the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Most people will see the beneficial effects after four weeks of consistent drug administration.

There are a lot of interesting things to say about Prozac. One, Prozac is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). The first drug approved for treating depression and has some pretty powerful benefits when it comes to anxiety. And with good reason: Prozac blocks the reuptake of serotonin, which in turn increases serotonin levels in the brain.

It’s one of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants and has a range of beneficial effects on our mental health. It can be especially helpful if you experience social anxiety, panic attacks, or general social fear.

Therefore, if you are experiencing extreme doses of anxiety, it might be worth checking out your options for short-term relief from your doctor or psychiatrist before taking long-term medication like Prozac.

How long before you feel the effects of Prozac?

How long before you feel the effects of Prozac?

If you’ve been prescribed Prozac, it’s normal to have some doubts about whether it will work for you. But the truth is most people who take Prozac see improvement after 2-4 weeks of daily use. Prozac is a type of antidepressant called an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor).

The drug will take some time before it is able to make the changes in brain chemicals for the management of anxiety and depression. It helps by blocking the reuptake of serotonin which, in turn, increases serotonin levels in the brain. This can be helpful if you experience social anxiety, panic attacks, or generalized anxiety disorder.

It is prescribed for:

  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Panic Disorder with or without agoraphobia
  • Agoraphobia
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Acute Depressive Episodes associated with Bipolar I Disorder
  • Treatment-Resistant Depression

For the last two conditions, Prozac is in most instances combined with Zyprexa.

Benefits of Prozac for anxiety

Taking Prozac for anxiety comes with multiple benefits some of which may start being felt immediately or after 2 to 4 weeks as indicated above, including:

  • Decrease in anxiety symptoms
  • Feel more like yourself again
  • Getting more relaxed
  • Reduction of anxious thoughts
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased appetite
  • Greater interest in life
  • Increased energy

Prozac is a type of drug called an SSRI. It works by blocking the reuptake of serotonin, which increases the levels of serotonin in your brain. As a result, Prozac can be helpful for people with social anxiety, agoraphobia, OCD, panic attacks, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Pros of taking Prozac for anxiety

One of the most common reasons for using Prozac is for anxiety management. Studies show that patients who were given Prozac reported less fear, less discomfort, and overall better quality of life.

Not only can Prozac help regulate symptoms so that you feel and function better day-to-day, but it can also be helpful for those who experience social anxiety or panic attacks.

The FDA has approved Prozac as a treatment for depression, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and panic disorder.

Cons of taking Prozac for anxiety

Some people have difficulty tolerating Prozac due to side effects, including nausea and loss of appetite. The side effects of Prozac may go away after the body is able to tolerate the medication. However, some people may need the advice of a doctor to take care of the side effects.

It can also cause withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it, making it hard to discontinue use. The withdrawal effects do not last for long but can be pretty debilitating.

Should you try Prozac to treat your anxiety?

If you have anxiety, Prozac can be an excellent choice to help regulate your mood and help you feel more at ease. There are many benefits of Prozac in treating anxiety, including the fact that it has minimal side effects and is relatively easy to take.

Prozac also has a long half-life, meaning it stays active in your system for quite some time. This means that taking it on the first day will still have an effect on the second day. In fact, most people experience relief with their first dose of Prozac.

But how soon does Prozac work? While there isn’t a quick fix for anxiety, Prozac typically starts to work within 3 weeks of taking it. And since it’s available only by prescription, you’ll need to speak to your doctor about whether or not it’s right for you.

Side effects to watch out for with Prozac

Prozac may cause side effects, especially before the body can tolerate it. The side effects may be minor or serious side effects. It is important to discuss with your doctor any side effects that you experience when taking Prozac. You should watch out for the following serious side effects of Prozac:

  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Abnormal heart rhythm (QT prolongation)
  • Activation of mania/hypomania
  • Allergic reactions including skin rash
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Impaired judgment, thinking, and motor skills
  • Low sodium levels in the blood
  • Problems with blood sugar control
  • Seizures
  • Serotonin syndrome (a life-threatening condition with symptoms that include fever, agitation, increased reflexes, tremor, sweating, dilated pupils, and diarrhea)
  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviors
  • Vision problems (angle-closure glaucoma)

This is only a partial list of possible side effects. Any side effects need to be taken seriously.

Final thoughts

Prozac is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and the first drug approved for treating depression. It also happens to have some pretty powerful benefits when it comes to anxiety. And with good reason: Prozac blocks the reuptake of serotonin, which in turn increases serotonin levels in the brain.

Prozac is one of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants and has a range of beneficial effects on our mental health. It can be especially helpful if you experience social anxiety, panic attacks, or general social fear.

The effectiveness of Prozac varies based on a person’s individual body chemistry, so there are no guarantees that it will work the same day you start taking it. Some people may need to take it for several weeks before they notice any effects, while others may feel relief as soon as they start taking it. In order to work effectively and avoid side effects like nausea and weight gain, Prozac should be taken daily at a consistent time each day.

Prozac is an SSRI, so it can take a few weeks to start working. But, if you’ve been on Prozac for years and suddenly stop taking it, the withdrawal effects can start in as little as 1-2 days. The key to getting the most out of Prozac is sticking with it and making sure you never miss doses.

It doesn’t work immediately as it takes time for the medication to build up in your system and reach therapeutic levels. For some people, this could take two weeks; but for others, it could take four weeks or more.

The effectiveness of Prozac depends on how long you’ve been taking it – what psychiatrist Dr. David Barlow, our director says “it’s not going to work overnight.” So while research shows that those who’ve been taking Prozac for at least a month are more likely to be successful in their treatment, there is no set time period when you should expect a noticeable difference in your anxiety symptoms.

No one knows exactly why Prozac works best after about a month of being on the medication. It may be because serotonin levels are established at this point or because brain receptors have adjusted to the drug and can experience less discomfort from serotonin stimulation.


What does the first day on Prozac feel like?

Fluoxetine (Prozac) will leave you feeling drowsy and have other minor side effects but for some people, you may experience positive signs in your anxiety and depression symptoms. The symptoms normally go away after a week or two as the body starts tolerating the medication.

What happens on the first few days of Prozac?

You will experience a few side effects emanating from taking Prozac including headaches, drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, sweating, feeling nervous or restless, tiredness/ fatigue, or having trouble sleeping/ insomnia. However, these symptoms normally go away with regular use of the therapeutic dose for a few weeks.

Can Prozac work in as little as a week?

Yes, Prozac can work in as little as a week for some people. For many people, they may experience effects on anxiety and depression symptoms in as little as a week. The effects are reduced anxiety or depression symptoms and also a decrease or easing off of Fluoxetine side effects.

How long will it take before Prozac takes effect if taking 20 mg?

Prozac 20 mg will take between 2 to 4 weeks of regular dosing with Prozac before you get relief from anxiety symptoms. However, for many people, some improvements will be noticed in the first few days of taking the medication.

What happens on the first day on Prozac 10mg?

On the first day on Prozac, most people get some effects on anxiety and depression including better sleep, more energy, and happier thoughts. Therefore, most people will experience a slowing of anxiety on the first day of taking Prozac 10mg. However, some people may experience side effects such as drowsiness and headaches.

Can Prozac work immediately?

No, Prozac does not work immediately since it doesn’t have an immediate or rapid-onset effect on anxiety or mood even though some people see some improvements immediately after taking the medication. However, on regular dosage and once the therapeutic level is achieved in the body, Prozac is very effective for anxiety disorders, OCD, and depression.

Dr. David Barlow

David is a well-known researcher and author in the anxiety disorders area with extensive research on their etiology, nature, and treatment. He started the site to share his real-life experiences on the management of anxiety disorders with successful diagnosis and treatment being his motivation to write or review the content on this site.