Can You Take Buspirone As Needed?

Can you take buspirone as needed? Sometimes you can take it as needed such as in panic attacks but in most cases it takes up to 2-4 weeks to get the full therapeutic effects of the medication

Can you take buspirone as needed? Buspirone is a type of medication called anxiolytic medication, which means that it can help to reduce anxiety. It also falls under the category of serotonin receptor antagonists, meaning that it helps to neutralize the effects of excess serotonin in your brain.

You can take buspirone as needed in some special circumstances like in panic attacks but for anxiety disorders we recommend sticking to the dosage schedule because buspirone does not work immediately, but will require a number of doses for the anxiety symptoms to improve. Doctors normally start the dosage at 7.5 mg two times a day making it 15 mg per day and increase the dosage as needed with the direction of your doctor. You need to take the buspirone tablets at the time and frequency that the doctor prescribes.

Dr. DaviD Barlow

It is commonly prescribed as a first-line treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and panic attacks, but only if you have failed to respond to SSRI antidepressants or benzodiazepine anti-anxiety medications.

This drug does have side effects, most notably drowsiness, dizziness, and blurred vision, so it’s important not to drive or operate machinery after taking this drug. There are also some more serious side effects that you should be aware of before deciding whether Buspirone is right for you.

Buspirone is an anti-anxiety medication that is often used as a treatment for anxiety, stress, and panic attacks. It’s also sometimes used as a sleep aid, although most experts believe that this usage isn’t ideal. Even so, many users find that taking buspirone as needed can be very helpful in combating stress and anxiety. This article will explain how to take buspirone as needed and the potential side effects you should know about.


Can you take buspirone as needed?

You can take buspirone on an as-needed basis but in a few circumstances such as panic attacks since will begin working after you take your first dose of medication. Since buspirone does not work immediately to the maximum effect, you should not take it as needed. Doctors normally start the dosage at 7.5 mg two times a day making it 15 mg per day and increase the dosage as needed with the direction of your doctor. You need to take the buspirone tablets at the time and frequency that the doctor prescribes to get the improvement in anxiety symptoms in about 2 to 4 weeks.

Some people find that they need to take it every day, and others may only need it a few days a week, depending on their anxiety levels. Buspirone also has an advantage over other anti-anxiety medications in that it doesn’t affect your ability to drive or operate machinery.

That’s because buspirone actually works by calming stress responses and allowing the brain to balance itself out. It doesn’t affect your brain chemistry as other medications do. This means that you can safely take buspirone during the day without worrying about side effects like impaired thinking skills, dizziness, sleepiness, vertigo, lightheadedness, and headaches.

You can take buspirone with or without food, but the drug must be taken consistently whereby doctors prescribe the drug to be taken two or three times daily in most cases. The reason for this is that you need to build up the active ingredient in your system before it will be effective.

Buspirone is an atypical anti-anxiety drug. It’s not widely known or easy to find, but it remains a popular one with users for its low side-effect profile. If you have been prescribed buspirone for your anxiety, you might be curious if it can be taken on an “as needed” basis—or if you need to take it every day like many other drugs. Read on to learn more about when and how to take buspirone.

In the United States, buspirone is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and other anxiety disorders. For this condition, the FDA has approved taking 12mg of buspirone once a day, which must be taken at least two hours away from any other medications.

It does not recommend that people use buspirone more often than this because there isn’t enough evidence suggesting that it would work better than taking it once per day. If your doctor prescribes buspirone for panic attacks, however, they can prescribe up to 30mg of buspirone per day in two doses—so long as one dose is taken in the morning and one dose is taken in the evening.

Doctors may also prescribe a different dosage depending on your individual needs. Buspirone does not come with any warnings for use with other medications and should not be used concurrently.

Can you take buspirone as needed for anxiety?

You can not take buspirone as needed for anxiety unless your doctor recommends taking a high dose for panic attacks. You, therefore, need to take the drug consistently as prescribed by the doctor. Buspirone is not for when your anxiety flares up and you need relief. It’s a long-term drug that works to reduce the frequency and intensity of panic attacks.

You should typically take it every day, as directed by your doctor. There are some exceptions where taking buspirone on an “as needed” basis might be appropriate, such as if you have a fear of being in crowds or public places.

In these cases, your doctor might ask you to take the drug when you anticipate these situations occurring so that it will be effective in reducing your anxiety symptoms. The drug does not work immediately—it may take one to three weeks before you notice any change in your levels of anxiety.

Regardless, it’s important to know how and when buspirone should be taken, as it can cause sedation and dizziness if taken at the wrong time of day or with certain other medications.

Skipping doses of buspirone

You should not skip any dose of buspirone and if you miss a dose of buspirone, you should take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular schedule. Do not take 2 doses at once.

Buspirone is typically used every day to control anxiety levels. It’s a long-term solution that can help you build up your tolerance. And while it’s possible to use buspirone as needed, this isn’t usually recommended by physicians or psychologists.

Buspirone has an “as needed” dosage of 30 mg, which should be taken when panic attacks are occurring at their worst—usually within 15 minutes before an attack begins. Buspirone should never be taken without a prescription from a physician and the dosage should never exceed 60 mg in one day.

While taking buspirone daily is the best way to control anxiety, if you feel like you need more relief than normal, you can also increase your dose on an “as needed” basis and only for a short period of time—like during a particularly stressful period of time or before bedtime for sleep disorders. In these cases, talk with your doctor first so they can give you advice on what would be best for you specifically.

Can I take BuSpar only once a day?

Buspirone is usually given two to three times a day but your doctor will tell you how often to give it. Buspirone is a schedule IV anti-anxiety drug that requires a prescription. Buspirone is usually given two to three times a day, but your doctor will tell you how often to give it.

It’s sometimes taken once or twice a day. Buspirone isn’t as well known as other anxiety medications, but it remains popular with users. The start dose is 7.5mg taken twice a day to total a dose of 15mg per day. The doctors can increase the dosage as required.

If you have been prescribed buspirone for your anxiety, you might be wondering if it can be taken on an “as needed” basis—or if you need to take it every day like many other drugs. Read on to learn more about when and how to take buspirone.

What is Buspirone and how does it work?

Buspirone is an anti-anxiety medication in the anxiolytics category. It’s approved by the FDA to treat generalized anxiety disorders and panic attacks, but it’s not prescribed as often as other medications because of its adverse effects. Buspirone works by blocking serotonin receptors in the brain, which reduces your anxiety.

Like other anti-anxiety medications, buspirone doesn’t cause sedation or addiction like benzodiazepines do. Buspirone can be taken on an “as needed” basis for anxiety relief. Many people find that it doesn’t help them as well as benzodiazepines, so they take it only when they need it.

For others, taking buspirone daily helps reduce their anxiety more effectively than taking it on an “as needed” basis. Some users say that taking a break from use can cause increased anxiety levels, but this is typically temporary and shouldn’t happen if you are not on buspirone every day for treatment.

When to take Buspirone

GABA side effects

Buspirone is usually taken two or three times daily, with a dosage of 5-10 mg each time. It may take a few weeks for buspirone to work, but once it does, it’s a fairly long-lasting medication that can last for up to six months before you need another prescription. Buspirone is taken with food, and the drug can be slowly released from the tablet if you have trouble swallowing whole tablets.

How to take Buspirone

Buspirone is an atypical anti-anxiety medication, so you don’t need to worry about it interacting with other prescriptions. However, if you have any other medical condition that requires you to take medication on a regular schedule, talk to your doctor about whether or not buspirone would be safe for you.

You can take buspirone with food or without food. The drug will enter your bloodstream faster if taken without food and will last longer if taken with food. Most people prefer to take their medication with food because it helps them stay focused and alert throughout the day.

Buspirone should be taken at the same time every day. Experts recommend taking it with food, as it can cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach. It should also be taken in a consistent dose to maintain its effectiveness. Your doctor may need to adjust your dosage over time as well to find the best amount for you.

The most common side effects of buspirone are dizziness and blurriness. These will go away after about two weeks of use, but if they persist, consult your doctor immediately. Buspirone does not work for everyone, and some people may need to try other medications first before trying this drug. But for those who do find relief from buspirone, it’s worth making a consistent commitment to daily use.

Does buspirone work for anxiety?

Yes, Buspar is an effective medication for various types of anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Buspirone is an atypical anti-anxiety drug that’s used to reduce the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. It’s not as widely known or as easy to find as other anxiety drug options, but it remains a popular one with users.

Doctors prescribe buspirone for various types of anxiety disorders and panic attacks, though it isn’t approved by the FDA for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Buspirone may be prescribed when benzodiazepines are not tolerated well or recommended when benzodiazepines don’t work.

Buspirone may also be used in low doses to reduce withdrawal symptoms in those who have been taking benzodiazepines chronically—though it is not yet an FDA-approved treatment for this condition. Buspirone does work for anxiety—but there are caveats.

One study found that buspirone was better than a placebo at reducing anxiety during a public speaking task; however, buspirone didn’t outperform cognitive therapy in the long term and doesn’t appear to be more effective than SSRIs. Nevertheless, buspirone might be worth considering if you can’t tolerate SSRIs or benzodiazepines or want a second option for your treatment plan.

How long does it take buspirone to work for anxiety?

It can take up to 2 to 4 weeks for buspirone to start working. Even though the medication starts working immediately after you take the first dose, you might not see any improvement in your anxiety symptoms immediately after starting the medication. You may find that it takes a few days or weeks before you notice that your anxiety is easier to manage or you have fewer panic attacks.

.Buspirone can take 2 to 4 weeks or longer before you start noticing any improvements. 2 to 4 weeks of taking buspirone for anxiety doesn’t mean that it will work immediately. It takes a while for the drug to build up in your system and have its therapeutic effects on your body.

There are a few things to consider in order to determine if you can take buspirone as needed.

  • First, does your doctor allow for this? Some doctors might not give their patients the option of taking buspirone on an “as needed” basis because they want you on a daily regimen—especially if you have chronic anxiety. You should be sure to ask them before assuming you can take it as needed.
  • Second, what are your symptoms? If you only have panic attacks sporadically, then you might be able to find relief by taking buspirone as needed while limiting it to those times only. But if your symptoms are more severe or frequent, then this option might not work for you.
  • Finally, how long do you need relief from your anxiety? It could be that the required daily dosage is simply too high for your particular situation and that taking buspirone as needed would help. For example, if you only need relief for a week out of every month and don’t anticipate needing that much relief in the future, then taking the drug sporadically would probably work well for you. But if you need relief every day or throughout the entire month, then taking it on an “as needed” basis probably won’t cut it and will actually make symptoms worse.

Does buspirone work immediately?

Buspirone does not work immediately but some of the symptoms will start becoming less once you take the first dose. That is why the doctor will give you a prescription for a month or more with observation.

Thus, it will take 2 to 4 weeks in order to get improvements in your anxiety symptoms after you start taking buspirone. Buspirone can take 2 to 4 weeks in order to be fully effective. It takes time for the medication to build up in your system and reach a therapeutic dose level to see improvement in your anxiety symptoms.

Buspirone is most often prescribed as a complement to other treatments, like antidepressants or counseling, rather than a substitute for them. If you are taking buspirone for panic disorder, it may take up to 8 weeks before you begin noticing marked improvements.

Can You Take Buspirone As Needed?

Can you drink taking buspirone?

No, you should not drink alcohol while taking the medication since buspirone can cause drowsiness and dizziness as well as other changes in the brain, and drinking alcohol can worsen these effects. Even though buspirone is not a benzodiazepine, means that it’s not addictive and doesn’t have the potential to be abused.

That said, it is still wise to avoid drinking alcohol while taking buspirone. Alcohol can worsen the side effects of buspirone, like drowsiness and dizziness. It can also cause other changes in the brain—some of them serious—that will make you feel worse. It’s best to drink no alcohol when taking buspirone.

Final Words

Buspirone is an atypical anti-anxiety drug that’s used to reduce the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. It’s not as widely known or as easy to find as other anxiety drug options, but it remains a popular one with users.

If you have been prescribed buspirone for your anxiety, you might be curious if it can be taken on an “as needed” basis—or if you need to take it every day, like many other drugs. Read on to learn more about when and how to take buspirone.

Doctors often use this drug to treat generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social phobia. Buspirone is not the best choice for people who have severe depression or schizophrenia. Buspirone can be taken in a few different ways: Swallow whole with water when needed (a maximum of 3 times a week) Take as directed on the bottle Swallow whole with water every day (maximum of 3 times a week) Place under tongue and swallow when needed (a maximum of 3 times a week)

Buspirone is typically taken daily starting from 2-6 weeks before your symptoms start to improve. If this doesn’t work, your doctor may prescribe more time for treatment, up to 16 weeks. After 16 weeks, you can continue taking buspirone as needed for sudden bouts of anxiety – such as in social situations or during a panic attack – with your doctor’s approval.

Buspirone isn’t addictive, doesn’t produce withdrawal effects, and should be tapered off gradually over 4-8 weeks in order to avoid rebound anxiety and worsening of symptoms (though there are no reports of rebound anxiety occurring). If you’re unsure about taking buspirone on an “as needed” basis or would like help finding a dosage that’s right for you, talk with your doctor first!


Who should not take buspirone?

People who are allergic to buspirone, people taking MAO inhibitors or other antidepressants, people with severe depression or bipolar disorder, and people with a history of substance abuse should not take buspirone.

Do I need to eat before taking buspirone?

No, you can take it with or without food. Buspirone is an atypical anxiety drug that only needs to be taken twice or thrice a day. There’s no need for you to eat before taking buspirone, but you can take it with or without food. However, experts recommend taking it with food, as it can cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach. It should also be taken in a consistent dose to maintain its effectiveness.

Dr. David Barlow

David is a well-known researcher and author in the anxiety disorders area with extensive research on their etiology, nature, and treatment. He started the site to share his real-life experiences on the management of anxiety disorders with successful diagnosis and treatment being his motivation to write or review the content on this site.