Does Buspar Cause Hair Loss? A Comprehensive Guide to Does Buspirone Cause Alopecia?

Does Prozac Cause Hair Loss?

Does Buspar cause hair loss? Buspirone is a drug that is used to treat anxiety and social phobia. It also helps in reducing the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, and agoraphobia. There are many side effects of buspirone but generally, it is safe to take this drug.

However, there have been reports at our clinic of hair loss side effects in rare cases associated with buspirone use. If you are using this medicine or planning to use it soon then read on to know more about the link between Buspar and hair loss.


Does Buspar Cause Hair Loss?

Buspar has hair loss or thinning hair as a rare side effect. Hair loss is a rare side effect of not only buspirone but also other medications for depression and mood stabilization. The medication may cause telogen effluvium, or short-term, temporary hair loss; or anagen effluvium (the longer-term type which may also include hair thinning or hair loss loss of other body hair, which also includes eyebrows and eyelashes).

According to studies, one of the patients who got hair loss as a side effect was advised to discontinue buspirone. But to manage anxiety, the patient was to continue the treatment with sertraline. After 2-5 days of stopping the medication, the hair loss stopped and the hair was able to start growing again.

Hair loss is a reported side effect of Buspar (buspirone), although it is considered to be rare. According to the drug’s prescribing information, hair loss was reported in less than 1% of patients during clinical trials. Buspar has rare side effects which include thinning hair and hair loss. This side effect is temporary and will disappear when your body adjusts to the medication or reduces the dose. You can also ask your doctor about using a different anti-anxiety medication to avoid this side effect.

The exact mechanism by which Buspar may cause hair loss is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to the drug’s effects on serotonin receptors in the body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, and it may also play a role in hair growth and regeneration.

Some individuals may be more susceptible to hair loss while taking Buspar, such as those with a family history of baldness or other risk factors for hair loss. Other factors that may contribute to hair loss while taking Buspar include nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, or interactions with other medications.

The severity and duration of hair loss in individuals taking Buspar can vary widely. Some individuals may experience only mild hair thinning or shedding, while others may experience more significant hair loss that persists for several months. In most cases, hair growth will resume once Buspar is discontinued.

If you are taking Buspar and experiencing hair loss or other side effects, it is important to discuss these symptoms with a healthcare provider. Your provider may recommend changes to your medication regimen, lifestyle modifications, or other treatments to help manage your symptoms and promote hair regrowth.

Evidence that Buspar causes hair loss

In studies and patients attending our clinic, we have a few cases of hair thinning or hair loss when patients are taking Buspar. Buspar is a medication for anxiety. While Buspar is not generally associated with hair loss, it sometimes happens. Some people who take Buspar experience hair loss on their heads or thinning of the hair on the scalp.

Hair growth usually resumes after you lower your dose or stop taking the medication. Buspar is an anti-anxiety medication that is used to treat generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

It’s typically taken twice a day and works by affecting certain chemicals in the brain, which helps to reduce anxiety in most people. The exact way Buspar causes hair loss isn’t clear, but there are several theories as to why this may happen: a change in hormone levels, the medicine’s effect on neurotransmitters in the brain, or even just a side effect of taking this medication for long periods of time.

Factors that may contribute to hair loss in individuals taking Buspar

Hair loss in individuals taking Buspar may be influenced by several factors, including:

  1. Age: As we age, our hair naturally becomes thinner and more brittle, which may make it more susceptible to damage and loss. Older individuals taking Buspar may be at a higher risk of experiencing hair loss as a result of these changes.
  2. Gender: Hair loss is more common in men than in women, but women may still experience hair thinning and loss as a result of hormonal changes or other factors. The risk of hair loss may be higher in women taking Buspar than in men.
  3. Underlying medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases, or nutritional deficiencies, can contribute to hair loss. Individuals taking Buspar who have underlying medical conditions may be more likely to experience hair loss as a result.
  4. Other medications: Some medications may interact negatively with Buspar or contribute to hair loss independently. Individuals taking other medications, such as antidepressants or blood pressure medications, may be at a higher risk of experiencing hair loss while taking Buspar.
  5. Genetics: Genetic factors can also contribute to hair loss, and individuals with a family history of baldness or hair thinning may be more likely to experience these effects while taking Buspar.

It is important to note that while these factors may increase the risk of hair loss, they do not necessarily guarantee that an individual will experience hair loss while taking Buspar. Additionally, some individuals may experience hair loss even in the absence of these risk factors. Consulting with a healthcare provider and following their guidance can help to identify any underlying factors that may be contributing to hair loss and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Related: Does Citalopram cause hair loss?

Why does Buspar cause hair loss?

Buspar belongs to a class of drugs called antianxiety medications. Other medications in this class that can cause hair thinning include Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin. These drugs are used for anxiety disorders and seizures.

Buspar works by affecting chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. It affects serotonin and norepinephrine levels in the brain which causes an anti-anxiety effect.

One common side effect of these medications is hair thinning or even complete loss of hair as mentioned above. Another theory about the link between Buspar and hair loss is that it could be related to another side effect: weight gain, which can also lead to hair thinning due to malnutrition or hormone imbalances.

Hair loss might start occurring after taking Buspar for 1-3 months, and it can take up to six months before any new growth starts to show. This will generally happen with higher doses of Buspar. Some people experience more serious symptoms while taking Buspar, such as persistent vomiting or diarrhea, seizures (convulsions), and suicidal thoughts.

If you experience any of these more serious symptoms while taking Buspar, please tell your doctor so they can recommend another treatment option.

Can BuSpar make your hair fall out?

Buspirone (Buspar) has thinning hair or hair loss as a rare dermatological side effect. Buspar is a medication used to treat anxiety. It is not a sedative and has no alcohol or addiction potential. Buspirone was first introduced in the United States in 1986, and it’s been approved by the FDA since then.

Temporary hair loss is a rare side effect of Buspar, but it can happen. The usual course of action is to wait for the body to adjust to the medication or decrease its dose.

Buspar comes with a long list of warnings, including:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Sleepiness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Constipation or diarrhea.
GABA side effects

Tips to combat hair loss while taking Buspar:

Hair loss can be a distressing side effect for individuals taking Buspar. While there is no guaranteed way to prevent hair loss, there are some strategies that may help to manage or mitigate its effects:

  1. Nutritional supplements: Some research suggests that certain vitamins and minerals, such as biotin, iron, and zinc, may help to promote healthy hair growth. Individuals experiencing hair loss while taking Buspar may benefit from incorporating these supplements into their diet.
  2. Hormone therapy: Hair loss may be related to changes in hormone levels that can occur as a result of taking Buspar. Hormone replacement therapy or other medications that affect hormone levels may be recommended by a healthcare provider to manage hair loss.
  3. Haircare practices: Individuals experiencing hair loss while taking Buspar may want to be gentle with their hair and avoid harsh treatments such as coloring, bleaching, or excessive heat styling. Additionally, using a mild shampoo and conditioner, and avoiding tight hairstyles such as braids and ponytails may help to minimize damage to the hair.
  4. Lifestyle changes: Making changes to your lifestyle, such as reducing stress levels, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular exercise, may also help to promote healthy hair growth and manage hair loss.
  5. Alternative medications: In some cases, hair loss may be a sign of an allergic reaction or a negative interaction between medications. If hair loss persists despite efforts to manage it, it may be worth discussing alternative medication options with a healthcare provider.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of these strategies will vary from person to person, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing hair loss while taking Buspar. Consulting with a healthcare provider and following their guidance is crucial to ensure that the most appropriate treatment plan is developed for each individual.

Anxiety meds that cause hair loss

Medications that treat anxiety can cause hair loss. This is a known side effect of many antidepressants and anxiolytics, including Buspar. Some people experience temporary hair loss as a result of taking this medication, but the hair generally grows back after the body adjusts to the new medication or lowers its dose.

Bupropion has one of the highest risks of hair loss but even other anxiety medications including Prozac have hair loss as one of the rare side effects. Other medications that can cause air loss include:

  • Paxil (paroxetine)
  • Zoloft (sertraline hydrochloride)
  • Sertraline
  • Janimine (imipramine)
  • Anafranil (clomipramine)
  • Tofranil (imipramine)

Generally, the hair on your head gets thicker during treatment with Buspar. It is possible that some people may experience temporary hair loss while taking this medication. There are two types of hair loss associated with Buspar.

The first type of hair loss is telogen effluvium. This type of hair loss occurs when large numbers of hairs enter into a resting phase at the same time and sheds within six months after starting therapy.

The second type is alopecia areata, which causes localized areas of hair thinning or baldness in patches on the scalp and usually disappears within six months after starting therapy.

Does Prozac cause hair loss? Yes, all anxiety medications including antidepressants have hair loss as a rare side effect that affects the scalp/ skin.

Can antidepressants make your hair fall out?

Antidepressants can cause drug-induced hair loss during the first three months of treatment but may persist in some people. Moreover, you may find that some people suffer from telogen hair loss due to anti-depressants. Of all the anti-depressants, Fluoxetine is well known SSRI that causes hair loss.

I am on bupropion (Buspar) for depression and have noticed that my hair has been thinning and shedding more than before. It sounds like your hair loss is a side effect of the medication, not just something you can chalk up to old age.

The good news is that the hair generally grows back after the body adjusts to the new medication or lowers its dose. If you are concerned about potential side effects from Buspar, read on to learn more about the potential side effect.

Balancing the benefits of Buspar with the potential risks

Buspar (buspirone) is a medication commonly used to treat anxiety disorders and is believed to work by affecting the levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine in the brain. While it is generally considered safe and effective, like all medications, it comes with potential risks and side effects that need to be weighed against the benefits.

One potential side effect of Buspar that has been reported by some individuals is hair loss. While the exact cause of this side effect is not well understood, it is believed to be related to changes in hormone levels or nutritional deficiencies that can occur as a result of taking the medication.

Despite the potential risk of hair loss and other side effects, Buspar can be a useful treatment option for individuals who are struggling with anxiety or related conditions. It may be particularly helpful for those who have not found relief with other medications or who prefer a non-addictive alternative to benzodiazepines.

For individuals who are concerned about the risk of hair loss or other side effects, there are alternative treatment options that may be considered. These may include other medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, or lifestyle changes such as exercise, dietary changes, and stress management.

It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of Buspar with a healthcare provider before starting or discontinuing the medication. They can help determine whether Buspar is an appropriate treatment option, monitor for potential side effects, and adjust the treatment plan as needed. Additionally, if hair loss does occur while taking Buspar, it may be possible to manage or reverse the effects through nutritional supplements, hormone therapy, or other interventions recommended by a healthcare provider.

What is Buspar?

Buspar is a medication that is used to treat generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It also helps people who suffer from muscle tension, headaches, and pain. In the United States, Buspar is manufactured by Pfizer. Buspar belongs to a class of drugs called antianxiety agents.

Buspar works by blocking chemicals in the brain that may cause anxiety; this prevents the brain from sending signals that would create feelings of fear or panic. Buspar is only one of many medications that can cause temporary hair loss as a side effect.

If you have not experienced hair loss while taking Buspar before, there are other explanations for why your hair may be thinning. It could be due to stress or diet, or even just genetics. You should consult your doctor if you have any concerns about your hair loss.

How does Buspar work?

Buspar is an anti-anxiety medication that helps to reduce the severity of anxiety symptoms. It has been shown effective in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder. The way Buspar works is by balancing chemicals in your brain.

Buspirone also blocks certain nerve impulses that make you feel anxious. The result is a feeling of calmness and well-being, which can help you cope with life’s challenges more effectively. Buspar is typically taken twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening before bedtime.

Treatment usually lasts for four to six weeks; however, it can be taken indefinitely if desired. It’s not addictive but should not be abruptly stopped because withdrawal symptoms may occur.

What are the possible side effects of Buscor?

Buspar side effects may be serious or not serious. Moreover, some effects may be common or rare. Some of the common side effects are:

Restlessness, nervousness, or unusual excitement, Blurred vision clamminess or sweating decreased concentration diarrhea drowsiness dryness of the mouth muscle pain, spasms, cramps, or stiffness ringing in the ears trouble with sleeping, nightmares, or vivid dreams unusual tiredness or weakness, unusual pale skin unusual weight gain or loss vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain constipation headache dry eyes sore throat.

The most common side effects of Buspar are dry mouth, dizziness, and drowsiness. These side effects may be lessened by taking the medication at bedtime or getting up slowly after you take it.

Does Buspar Cause Hair Loss? Do antidepressants make your hair thin?

Do BuSpar side effects go away?

As your body gets used to the medication the side effects only last, at the most, a couple of weeks, and then the body adjusts. Buspar is an anti-anxiety medication that can be prescribed for panic disorders, social phobia, and also to help with generalized anxiety disorder.

The drug comes as a tablet and is taken by mouth usually once a day. In some cases, Buspar can cause temporary hair loss. This is one of the side effects, but it’s not permanent so you shouldn’t worry too much. The good news is that this side effect should go away in just a few weeks after the body adjusts to the medication or lowers its dose.

That being said, if you are worried about any potential side effects from Buspar, we recommend discussing this with your doctor so that they can better assess your situation and help you come up with the best plan of action moving forward.

What is the most common side effect of buspirone?

Buspirone is a medication used to treat anxiety. Buspirone works by reducing the amount of serotonin in the brain, which may help reduce many of the symptoms associated with anxiety.

Some common side effects of buspirone are: dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea, nervousness, lightheadedness, restlessness, blurred vision, tiredness, and trouble sleeping.

If you experience any of these side effects or any others that worry you while taking buspirone please speak to your doctor or pharmacist for advice.


Buspar has thinning hair and hair loss as a rare side effect. It is not uncommon for certain medications to cause temporary hair loss. The good news is that the hair generally returns after the body adjusts to the new medication or lowers its dose.

Abuse Hair loss is a common side effect of Buspar, but the hair will generally return to normal after the body adjusts. The good news about Buspar is that it has been shown to be an effective medication for treating anxiety symptoms.

If you are experiencing anxiety or other mental health issues, consult your doctor before starting any medications as they cannot diagnose or prescribe a treatment. Anxiety and substance abuse often go hand-in-hand, so if you are struggling with addiction, talk to your doctor about which treatments might work best for you.


Does Buspar cause hair loss?

The short answer is yes. Buspar can cause hair loss as a side effect but it is not permanent and the hair will grow back after the body adjusts to the medication or lowers its dose. Buspar is an antianxiety medication that treats anxiety disorders like panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. It is a member of the drugs known as azapirones. The FDA approved Buspar for these uses in 1985. Buspar comes with a risk of hair loss as a side effect, but this does not have to be permanent.

Will my hair grow back after hair loss caused by Buspar?

Yes. This side effect usually goes away once the body adjusts to the new medication or decreases its dose.


Dr. David Barlow

David is a well-known researcher and author in the anxiety disorders area with extensive research on their etiology, nature, and treatment. He started the site to share his real-life experiences on the management of anxiety disorders with successful diagnosis and treatment being his motivation to write or review the content on this site.