Does Paxil Make You Sleepy or Tired? How to Cope With Drowsiness and Fatigue

Taking Paxil for anxiety: Does Paxil Make you Sleepy or Tired? How to Cope With Drowsiness and Fatigue

Does Paxil make you Sleepy or Tired? If you’ve ever taken SSRIs like Paxil, you may have noticed that they tend to make you sleepy. This is a common side effect of SSRIs. The more pronounced your side effects are, the more likely it is that the dosage of your SSRI is not correct. For some people, the side effects can be so severe they cannot continue taking the drug.

If you suffer from depression and take this drug to treat it, it’s important to understand how much its side effects affect you. It may be helpful to note how certain factors — such as stress or eating specific foods — affect your side effects when taking Paxil. In general, SSRIs with fewer side effects tend to also have fewer negative long-term consequences for users.

Depending on your individual needs and tolerance, taking this SSRI can make you sleepy. In fact, that’s one of the side effects listed for all SSRIs. All of them can have this effect as well as other common side effects like nausea, loss of appetite, and dry mouth.

Let’s go through the reasons why Paxil makes you sleepy and how to manage drowsiness. Moreover, we will check how long the drowsiness lasts to enable you to plan when to take the medication.


Does Paxil make you sleepy?

Among the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, paroxetine (Paxil) seems to cause the most drowsiness and makes you sleepy as a beneficial pharmacological effect and not an adverse reaction. It is quite common for antidepressants to make you feel drowsy. Paxil can make you feel sleepy and drowsy and thus you should monitor the side effects closely especially if you drive or operate heavy machinery thus affecting your ability to make decisions, think clearly, or react quickly.

Paxil has been clinically shown to be an effective treatment for many people with these disorders. The possible side effects of Paxil include drowsiness and sleepiness. This might seem like a negative effect, but it’s actually one of the most common benefits people respond to when taking SSRIs.

In some cases, the sleepy feeling may just be temporary while you are adjusting to your medication. But in other cases, it may last longer than expected. When you are on Paxil and you feel tired or weak, stop what you’re doing and sit or lie down until you feel better. Moreover, do not drink alcohol or take other drugs that may induce sleep when on Paxil.

It is not only Paxil (paroxetine) that can make you sleepy but also other Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like escitalopram (Lexapro) and fluoxetine (Prozac), taken for depression or anxiety. Thus, tiredness is extremely common with paroxetine (Paxil) like other SSRIs.

Some people might not notice any difference in their mood before and after starting this drug while others may feel immediate relief from their symptoms. If you experience any changes after beginning Paxil it will be important to talk with your doctor or psychiatrist about how you are feeling so they can see if there are any adjustments needed in your prescription or dosage.

But no one is sure why some people react to these medications so strongly and others barely notice them at all. Whether or not you experience side effects from Paxil will depend on your body and how quickly it metabolizes the drug.

Some people respond to it much more quickly than others while still others might take a little longer than average before feeling any benefits from it at all. The only real way to know if Pexrlet is right for you is to try it out with a doctor’s supervision.

Why does Paxil make you sleepy?

Paxil has sleepiness as one of the potential side effects. Actually, according to recent studies, Paxil may have the same sedating effects as normal sleeping pills such as Zolpidem.

Paroxetine (Paxil) being an SSRI has potential anticholinergic activity. Therefore, it can block the action of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. The action of Paxil on neurotransmitters can inhibit nerve impulses responsible for involuntary muscle movements leaving your body feeling sleepy, fatigued, and drowsy.

Therefore, other than feeling drowsy and fatigued, Paxil may also increase sleep duration. When a patient takes paroxetine 7.5 mg, they may have an increase in sleep duration by 37 minutes as compared to a placebo.

Paxil, a type of SSRI, is one of the most popular antidepressants and can be prescribed for a variety of disorders including depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Why should you take Paxil at night?

GABA side effects

There are two major reasons why it is beneficial to take Paxil at night, these are it makes you sleepy and tired but also helps you to sleep through any digestive woes. Many people get a prescription of Paxil as an antidepressant, but Paxil also has benefits as a mood stabilizer.

Paxil is also prescribed to help with anxiety, panic disorder, OCD, and PTSD. As an anti-depressive medication, it makes people feel more relaxed and less likely to feel overwhelmed by the things they are dealing with in their lives.

That’s why Paxil is sometimes prescribed for those who have difficulty sleeping through the night or experiencing bouts of depression when they wake up in the morning. It’s often used at nighttime because it can make you very sleepy and tired

In this way, it can be used to help with any digestive woes that might keep you up at night. But if you take Paxil at night without being under the care of a physician or psychiatrist, there’s always a chance that you could develop a dependency on the drug over time and find yourself using higher doses than what your doctor prescribed for you.

This isn’t always the case though so don’t be too alarmed if your family member or friend tells you they take Paxil to fall asleep every night. Doctors prescribe these medications in different ways depending on each individual patient’s needs, physical makeup, and tolerance levels.

Does fatigue from Paxil go away?

Yes, it tends to go away within two to four weeks as the body adjusts to the medicine. The good news is that Paxil doesn’t usually cause permanent side effects.

It might make you sleepy or tired during the first few weeks of use, but that tends to go away within two to four weeks as the body adjusts to the medicine. It might just take some time for your body to adjust to Paxil, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve taken any type of antidepressant.

The other good news is that most of Paxil’s side effects are quite manageable. You can often counteract them by taking a break from taking Paxil for a few days and then starting it again, or by switching up your routine with things like exercise, sleep habits, and diet. There’s something in each of those suggestions that can have an impact on how well you tolerate Paxil.

Does drowsiness from Paxil go away?

Paxil is an antidepressant that’s been around for a long time. Paxil is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) which means it affects one of the chemical messengers in your brain responsible for mood regulation and depression. Whether or not you experience side effects from Paxil will depend on your body and how quickly it metabolizes the drug.

As discussed above, one of the common side effects of Paxil is drowsiness. However, the drowsiness from Paxil tends to go away within two to four weeks as the body adjusts to the medicine.

Some people respond to it much more quickly than others while still others might take a little longer than average before feeling any benefits from it at all. The only real way to know if Pexrlet is right for you is to try it out with a doctor’s supervision.

How long does Paxil make you sleepy?

In a recent study, “Hypersomnia” lasted for an average of 5.6±4.7 weeks (range 2.0–16.0) where a person slept soundly for 12 hours or more, and “Excessive Daytime Sleepiness” lasted for an average of 6.6±5.2 weeks (range 4.0–16.0) where a person could not stay awake during the day, even when they were not tired, then it would be classified as excessive daytime sleepiness.

Yes, Paxil can make you sleepy or tired – but usually only in the short term. Hypersomnia is a side effect of Paxil that lasts for an average of 5.6 weeks (ranging from 2 to 16).

Excessive daytime sleepiness is another side effect that also lasts for an average of 5 weeks on Paxil (ranging from 4 to 16). No matter how long these symptoms last, though, they are considered to be temporary and often go away after a few days or weeks.

Does Paxil 20 mg make you sleepy?

The side effects of Paxil are different for everyone and it might not cause any for you at all. If you notice you feel sleepy after taking your dose, take it at bedtime.

Additionally, if you have a prescription for Paxil, talk to your doctor about whether or not it will make you sleepy. The only way to know is to try out the drug and see what happens!

Paroxetine for sleep

Some people are prescribed Paxil to help them with their anxiety. Like all SSRIs, Paxil is a mood stabilizer taken in pill form.

It typically takes around three weeks before you notice the effects of this medication, which can be anything from an improvement in the mood to an improvement in sleep. If you’re wondering if Paxil will make you sleepy as a side effect, the answer is yes.

All SSRIs have the chance of making you feel sleepy because they suppress your REM sleep cycle and increase serotonin levels. This is why antidepressants are sometimes prescribed for patients with ADHD or narcolepsy. Paxil thus may improve your sleep, sleep, appetite, and energy level.

But the question remains, does that mean that Paxil will make me sleepy? Everyone responds differently to medication depending on their body, so it’s difficult to say for certain whether or not it will make you sleepy.

Does paroxetine keep you awake?

While Paxil is known to cause a host of side effects, it’s unlikely that the drug will keep you awake. Paxil, like any SSRI, can cause insomnia as one of its side effects. This insomnia is often caused by the medication working too quickly and the brain not being able to adjust to the medication.

However, this side effect does not occur with all patients taking Paxil, so it is possible for you to take Paxil at bedtime and have a good night’s sleep. It also depends on your individual tolerance for these medications, so if you have been on Paxils previously then it may be worth asking your doctor about any potential changes in dosage when trying this medication again.

Furthermore, some people might experience increased sensitivity to alcohol while on Paxils due to the way they work in the body. If you are going out drinking or socializing while taking Paxil then make sure to be cautious and drink responsibly in order to avoid any negative consequences.

Tips for coping with drowsiness from Paxil

For some people, Paxil can make them sleepy. This is one of the potential side effects listed for all SSRIs and it’s not known why some experience this effect and others do not. However, there are ways to cope with this Paxil effect if you notice it happening.

One way to deal with drowsiness is to take a brief nap during the day. You may also consider taking a walk or another form of light exercise to help relieve your fatigue. You should also avoid driving or operating machinery until the fatigue goes away, however. As long as the doctor approves, another option is taking your antidepressant at bedtime so that you will sleep better at night.

These methods enable you to cope successfully with fatigue and also minimize the risk of accidents. The drowsiness may persist after the period discussed here but you can always use the tips above to ensure you and your family are safe.

What is Paxil?

Paxil is an anti-depressant that can also be used to treat anxiety, panic disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Paxil is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) which means it blocks the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin by neurons.

This allows for more serotonin to be present in the brain and helps you feel better. Paxil is typically prescribed for adults but can be given to children as young as 8 years old.

Some people find Paxil helpful, while others don’t or experience side effects from it. The only way to know if Paxil will work for you is to try it out with a doctor’s supervision.

How long does Paxil take to work?

When taking Paxil for anxiety or depression, you will start by getting some improvements in sleep, energy, or appetite within the first 1-2 weeks but full benefits are achieved in 4- 8 weeks. Paxil takes a while to work.

Even after that, Paxil might need to be taken for 3-4 months for full effects to be realized. It also helps take time for your body and mind to adjust to any medication. This is why it’s important for you to start out with a low dose and increase it gradually over time as the doctor monitors.

 you know when it’s working?

When Paxil is working

But what if you’ve been taking Paxil for a few weeks and you still don’t feel any different? There are several signs that you can observe in your body to check if Paxil is working.

Sleep, energy, or appetite may show some improvement within the first 1-2 weeks. But everyone is different, so it depends on how your body responds to Paxil. Some people might not feel any changes for up to three months.

Still, there are steps that can be taken to see if it’s working:

  • Track your mood before and after taking the medication
  • Try taking it in the morning instead of the evening
  • Try taking it with food
  • Take the medication at the same time every day
  • If necessary, talk to your doctor about adjusting your dosage

These alterations can help to check which time and method of taking the medication give you the most benefit. However, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before major alterations in the dosage or time when you take Paxil.

How long does it take to adjust to Paxil?

Paxil can take up to 6-8 weeks to fully improve your symptoms. This is something you might not know before you start it, but it’s important to consider that Paxil may not work for you immediately and this is something you should talk about with your doctor.

You should also know that Paxil can be taken at any time of the day and does not need to be taken with food.

Should you take your Paxil pills with food?

Other than whether you can take alcohol with the medication, one of the main questions people ask when given medication is if they can take it with food. The same question is asked by people who get Paxil for anxiety disorders.

You can take Paxil with or without food, at any time of the day, since it does not interact with food. It has no interaction with food, so it doesn’t matter which you do.

Just be sure to take your medication as prescribed by the doctor by following the regimen and the times the medication should be taken.

It is important to follow a treatment regime to ensure your body easily tolerates the medication and also to gain the full therapeutic benefits of the medication. Therefore, if the timelines fall before or after taking food, it is Ok as long as it is when the doctor recommended.

Dry mouth and other taste changes with Paxil

Paxil can temporarily cause dry mouth and other taste changes. SSRI medications like Paxil can have a number of side effects. Depending on your tolerance and individual needs, you might experience dry mouth and other taste changes.

It’s important to note that these are just temporary side effects, though. As soon as the medication is out of your system, these symptoms should subside. At least one study has shown that SSRIs can affect taste perception in a way that causes patients to lose their sense of taste or have an altered sense of taste.

In addition to dry mouth, these side effects may also include a change in saliva production, difficulty swallowing, and coughing. These symptoms will be temporary and should go away as soon as the medication has left the body for good

However, it is possible for some people to experience long-term effects from SSRIs such as withdrawal symptoms or increased risk for suicide after prolonged use, or extreme cases of depression with no relief from the treatment.

If you find yourself experiencing withdrawal symptoms while off Paxil, talk to your doctor immediately so they can help you through this difficult time.

Does paroxetine give you energy?

Paroxetine works by affecting certain chemicals in the brain, which helps to improve mood, reduce anxiety and increase energy. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved paroxetine for use in adults and children who are at least six years old on September 27, 1994.

Paroxetine thus improves mood, reduces anxiety, and increases energy in the body as part of the full therapeutic effects of the drug. Paroxetine, also known as Paxil, is an antidepressant medication. This drug is used to treat depression and anxiety disorders.

It was the first selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) approved in the United States. The FDA approved paroxetine to help with sleeping difficulties or improve symptoms such as low energy or loss of appetite that may occur with depression or anxiety disorders.

Paxil and weight gain

There are several antidepressants that have weight gain as one of their side effects. A few antidepressants do not cause weight gain but Paxil is not one of them.

Being an SSRI Paxil may cause a weight gain of 10 pounds or more. Paxil is an SSRI, a class of antidepressants prescribed to combat depression and anxiety. Paxil is generally well-tolerated but they can cause severe weight gain as a side effect.

While not everyone experiences weight gain while on Paxil (many people have the opposite reaction), enough that weight gain should be considered one of the most common side effects.

Bottom line

The bottom line is that Paxil can make you sleepy, but so do a lot of other medications. If you’re having trouble sleeping and want to get a prescription to help with that, talk to your doctor about the different options. The best choice will be based on how quickly your body absorbs the drug, what type of sleep problems you have, and how long they last.

You can manage anxiety with Paxil, but don’t expect it to work the same for everyone. On average, people will see some relief from their anxiety within the first two weeks of use. However, Paxil might not be for you if you’re allergic to SSRIs or if you experience any side effects that are especially worrisome like depression, suicidal thoughts, high blood pressure, and breathing problems.


Does Paxil make you sleepy or tired?

Yes, but probably not in the way you think. Depending on your individual needs and tolerance, taking this SSRI can make you sleepy. In fact, that’s one of the side effects listed for all SSRIs. All of them can have this effect as well as other common side effects like nausea, loss of appetite, and dry mouth. But no one is sure why some people react to these medications so strongly and others barely notice them at all.

How do I know if Paxil is right for me?

The only real way to know if Paxil is right for you is to try it out with a doctor’s supervision. The doctor will recommend the dosage, the time you should take the medication, and advise if dose adjustments are required.

Is sleepiness a side effect of Paxil?

Yes, sleepiness and fatigue are common side effects of Paxil. They may go away after the body tolerates the medication or may persist depending on the individual. Some other people may also experience insomnia when taking Paxil. Therefore, it is important to take this medication with a doctor’s supervision.

Is Paxil a sedative?

Paroxetine (Paxil) represents a partially sedating SSRI option that has side effects such as sleepiness and drowsiness. Thus, this medication should be taken with care when you are driving or are operating heavy machinery since it may lead to accidents.

What are the worst side effects of Paxil?

Paxil can present with serious side effects that you need to notify your doctor immediately once they occur. They include tremors (shaking), restlessness or the inability to keep still, decreased interest in sex or reduced libido, numbness/tingling, seizures, easy bruising/bleeding, fast/irregular heartbeat, and muscle weakness/spasm. Some may indicate Serotonin syndrome.

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Dr. David Barlow

David is a well-known researcher and author in the anxiety disorders area with extensive research on their etiology, nature, and treatment. He started the site to share his real-life experiences on the management of anxiety disorders with successful diagnosis and treatment being his motivation to write or review the content on this site.