Nosophobia: A Guide to Anxiety Illness Phobia Causes, Symptoms, and Therapy

Anxiety Illness Phobia / Nosophobia symptoms

Anxiety disorders and phobias, such as nosophobia (Anxiety Illness Phobia), are symptoms of anxiety that affect a person’s ability to function normally. Anxiety can manifest itself as a number of different mental health conditions, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias. In some cases, the cause of an anxiety disorder or phobia is unknown.

Nosophobia is the persistent fear of contracting a disease such as Cancer, HIV, or at present times Coronavirus. The uncontrollable and persistent fear of having a serious medical condition that defines nosophobia can markedly lower the quality of life.

However, when the fear or anxiety associated with a specific situation is chronic and causes significant distress, a nosological diagnosis may be made.


What is Nosophobia/ Anxiety Illness Phobia?

Nosophobia is a specific phobia pertaining to the fear of contracting or developing any type of illness. For many people, this can be an anxiety disorder that limits their participation in social activities.

The persistent fear of having a serious medical condition that defines nosophobia can markedly lower the quality of life.

People with nosophobia present with a persistent, irrational fear of contracting a chronic, often life-threatening disease like cancer, cancer, or AIDS. It is different from hypochondria which is the worry about contracting all the diseases.

However, when the fear or anxiety associated with a specific situation is chronic and causes significant distress, a nosological diagnosis may be made.

Nosophobia is categorized under DSM-5 as a specific phobia. Pathophobia is an intense and irrational fear of becoming ill. Hypochondria is an anxiety disorder in which people obsessively worry about or fear that they have a serious illness with little or no reason to do so.

Nosophobia Causes

There’s not a known exact cause of nosophobia, but there are some factors that might make you more likely to develop it including comorbid mental health conditions, Reading about incurable diseases online, exposure to trauma, and genetics. Even though there is no exact cause of nosophobia, some of the common factors that make you more likely to develop nosophobia/ causes of nosophobia include:

  • Past traumatic medical events
  • Exposure to media coverage of epidemics or other serious health problems,
  • Reading about medical conditions at work or in school
  • Having suffered traumatic health problems
  • Genetics

Nosophobia is often caused by other mental health disorders, such as depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder, which makes it hard to identify the trigger that started the nosophobia phobia. Nosophobia can also be triggered by reading about incurable diseases on the internet, being exposed to trauma, and having a genetic predisposition.

Thus the likely causes are genetics and environmental factors which can be in isolation or combined. These can cause an overwhelming illogical, unexplained, and consistent fear of contracting a serious disease.

Symptoms of Nosophobia

The symptoms of nosophobia are caused by the overwhelming fear that one will contract a serious illness. The anxiety can be triggered by many things, including watching someone who has been diagnosed with an illness or just by the fear of contracting an illness.

The symptoms associated with nosophobia are similar to those associated with other anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Typical symptoms include

  • Dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • increased pulse or faster heart rate
  • sweating,
  • rapid breathing,
  • trouble sleeping,
  • avoidance of exposure to triggers for fear
  • Repeated checking for signs of illness.

How common is nosophobia?

Nosophobia is characterized by an intense and unreasonable fear of contracting a disease such as HIV, Cancer, or at present times Coronavirus. It is one of the most common anxiety disorders and phobias that sufferers will experience in their lifetime.

Unfortunately, the prevalence of nosophobia is not known but since it is among the specific phobias, their prevalence is known. Thus, about 1 in 10 American adults and 1 in 5 teenagers get affected by a specific phobia at least once in their lifetime.

There are many ways to treat the symptoms of Nosophobia but it can be difficult to get over. For some people, the fear of contracting a serious illness may be too much for them to handle on their own. If you or someone else is experiencing these symptoms, we recommend seeking help from a mental health professional for treatment options.

Treatment includes counseling techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and medications like antidepressants or Anti-Anxiety Medications to help ease symptoms.

CBT involves changing thought patterns to modify behaviors and emotions associated with anxiety disorders and phobias through gradual exposure therapy, relaxation techniques, and education about anxiety disorders.

Antidepressants work by altering levels of serotonin in the brain while anti-anxiety medications are similar to Valium and Xanax which relaxes the muscles in your brain so that it can function better without any other problems occurring. Nosophobia is a chronic condition that will require long-term attention so that sufferers can regain healthy living with minimal discomfort.

Diagnosis of nosophobia

As with most anxiety disorders, there is no specific test that you can use to diagnose nosophobia. Therefore, doctors use standardized questions to help understand the fears, their causes, and their severity and use that to diagnose the disorder.

The questions that are used in the diagnosis of nosophobia are around the presence of marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable, intertwined by the presence or anticipation of the untreatable disease. The symptoms must detract from the quality of life by checking if the symptoms are overwhelmingly illogical, unexplained, and if you have consistent fear.

Nosophobia is a diagnosis that’s applied when there’s no known cause for the phobia and it causes significant distress. And because nosophobia is a type of anxiety disorder, treatment options are similar to those for other anxiety disorders.

What is the Treatment for Nosophobia?

GABA side effects

The treatment for nosophobia can be based on three major treatment options: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): A form of psychotherapy (talk therapy), Learning stress management and relaxation techniques, antidepressant drug fluoxetine (FLX).

The root cause of nosophobia is often related to the individual’s childhood. The person may have been made fun of by peers at school or overheard a family member making fun of medical conditions. Individuals with nosophobia are often overly concerned with both their own health and that of others.

They might also fear getting sick in an airplane because someone on the plane contracted a disease. These thoughts are often irrational and unrealistic, but they recur over time until they become a chronic condition.

Treatment for nosophobia can include medication such as fluoxetine or cognitive behavioral therapy. It is important to remember that this phobia can be treated and go away just like any other phobia if you take the right steps toward recovery.

Types of Therapy for Nosophobia

Nosophobia is curable and there are a variety of treatments available to help you overcome your fears. The following therapies may be recommended: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective therapy for dealing with nosophobia

It seeks to identify the patterns in thoughts and behaviors that result in feelings of fear or other negative emotions and then change these patterns. This method can be used with people of all ages, from children to adults.

Some common techniques include:

  • Identifying irrational thoughts and changing them
  • Adjusting behaviors to reduce anxiety
  • Practicing relaxation exercises
  • Working on anger management skills
  • Tackling specific phobia triggers by using exposure therapy
  • Psychodynamic therapy: Psychodynamic therapy also helps people understand how their past experiences can contribute to their present-day nosophobia.

It is a talking therapy that looks at the person’s current situation from a perspective that encompasses past experience, behavior, thought processes, and emotions. For those who have experienced trauma in the past, it might help them deal with the traumatic memories by talking about them in depth.

The psychologist will try to make sense of what has happened so far and offer advice on how they could deal with future memories or situations that may trigger flashbacks.

This type of therapy has been used since the late 1800s but it was developed by Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud in 1892. It is still popular today as one of the methods to treat mental illnesses.

Is nosophobia curable?

Nosophobia is a type of anxiety that can be treated through CBT, which focuses on the relationship between one’s thoughts and feelings, and one’s behaviors. The goal of CBT is to identify irrational or unfounded thoughts about illness and replace them with more rational alternatives.

The most common treatment for health anxiety is psychotherapy, particularly cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or exposure therapy. Nosophobia is a type of anxiety that can be treated through CBT, which focuses on the relationship between one’s thoughts and feelings, and one’s behaviors. The goal of CBT is to identify irrational or unfounded thoughts about illness and replace them with more rational alternatives.

What is the best medication for hypochondria?

The best medication to take for hypochondria is fluoxetine (FLX). This drug is also known by the trade name Prozac. Fluoxetine treats anxiety disorders and depression. It belongs to a class of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

This drug was initially approved for the treatment of depression in 1988 and has since been approved for other uses, including generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder.

A study published in 2003 observed an improvement in symptoms among 88% of participants taking SSRIs. The NNT (number needed to treat) ranged from 1 to 6, depending on the specific anxiety disorder being treated. Nosophobia can be successfully managed with medication and therapy if it is diagnosed as a mental health condition.

How do you know if you have nosophobia?

Many of us worry about getting a serious condition like cancer. We might dwell on the possibility of contracting an illness or disease and experience anxiety, fear, and even panic attacks as a result. This is not always nosophobia.

The difference between worrying and nosophobia is that with nosophobia, the fear is often disproportionate to the level of risk. Nosophobics are unreasonably fearful that they will contract cancer or HIV from everyday objects, such as doorknobs or dishes in a restaurant, for example.

They may avoid going outside because they’re afraid of catching germs from strangers or being near people with colds. They may also be excessively concerned about their own health and have difficulty sleeping at night because of these thoughts.

What does nosophobia mean?

It can be an anxiety disorder that causes one to obsessively fear contracting a disease. The nosophobia individual may seek medical attention excessively and/or avoid contact with others as they believe they are contagious.

Some symptoms of nosophobia are:

  • Persistent fear of contracting a serious illness like Cancer, HIV or at present times Coronavirus
  • Avoidance behavior such as excessive visits to the doctor or avoiding interaction with others for fear of getting sick
  • Inability to function in daily life due to the overwhelming sense of terror associated with the possibility of having a serious illness
  • Hypochondriacal fears that cause significant distress should be considered nosophobia.

What is the difference between illness anxiety disorder and hypochondriasis?

Illness anxiety disorder is characterized by the fear of having a serious disease, despite medical reassurance. In contrast, hypochondria is characterized by the belief that one has a serious illness, but does not experience significant distress.

The difference between illness anxiety disorder and hypochondriasis may be difficult to determine. The individual experiencing nosophobia may or may not believe they are ill, as in the case of hypochondriasis. Additionally, people with nosophobia often believe they have multiple illnesses, while people with hypochondriasis generally believe they have only one or two diseases.

Nosophobia vs hypochondriasis:

The difference is when the illness is experienced. In hypochondriasis, the person believes that they are already infected with life-threatening diseases. This will happen even if they have no physical symptoms of the disease. In this case, the person will in the future start exhibiting signs of the effects of the disease.

In Nosophobia, the condition involves the fear of contracting the disease. Therefore, the person with nosophobia uses avoidance techniques to ensure they are not exposed to the disease. Therefore, because of the fear of contracting the disease, any form of exposure gives the patient the feeling that they already have the symptoms of the dreaded disease.

Final Words

Nosophobia is an anxiety disorder that results in the persistent, uncontrolled, and persistent fear of contracting a specific illness. The most common phobia is nosophobia, which is the persistent fear of contracting a disease such as cancer, HIV, or coronavirus.

This can lead to more than just one person being diagnosed with this phobia. If you or someone you know continues to suffer from nosophobia, it’s important to seek treatment for this phobia.

Breaking the cycle of anxiety is possible by seeking out professional help, either through an online therapist or in person. Talk therapy provides a safe environment to explore the different components of your life that have led to the development of an anxiety disorder.

It also helps you learn how to cope with your symptoms. One way to break the cycle of fear is through exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is a type of talk therapy that exposes you to what you’re afraid of, so eventually, it doesn’t bother you as much.

So, if someone has nosophobia, they would be exposed to images and articles about things like cancer and HIV and then gradually be exposed to more serious topics until fear no longer triggers when they think about it.


What is nosophobia?

Nosophobia is a persistent, excessive fear of contracting a disease. The term nosophobia comes from the Greek word nosos, meaning “disease” or “illness.” The fear and anxiety associated with a specific situation are often chronic and cause significant distress. When this is the case, it may be diagnosed as a specific phobia.

How common is nosophobia?

The prevalence of nosophobia is not yet known. However, since it is among the specific phobia, we all know that 1 in 10 Americans will have a specific phobia at some time in their lives. Nosophobia can occur in anyone, but it is most common in people who have another anxiety disorder, like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

What causes nosophobia?

The cause of nosophobia is not clear; it may be caused by the person’s own worries about serious illnesses. It may also be caused by messages from society that constantly portray illness as something to be feared and avoided at all costs. It may also stem from having had an experience that made one think they were ill when they were not (called “false positive.”)

Is there treatment for nosophobic?

Yes. Treatment options include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and medications like SSRIs.

Dr. David Barlow

David is a well-known researcher and author in the anxiety disorders area with extensive research on their etiology, nature, and treatment. He started the site to share his real-life experiences on the management of anxiety disorders with successful diagnosis and treatment being his motivation to write or review the content on this site.