Does Celexa Help With Anxiety? – The Truth From A Personal Experience with Citalopram

Does Celexa Help With Anxiety?

Does Celexa help with anxiety? People who suffer from depression are often prone to anxiety as well. In fact, anxiety is one of the most common co-occurring conditions with depression. It’s not uncommon for people with depression to also have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and/or Social Anxiety Disorder.

However, when you have both GAD and depression at the same time, your symptoms can be more intense than having either of them separately. Depression and anxiety are two separate mental illnesses but they often go hand in hand.

Some people experience both at the same time. If you suffer from stress, worry, or panic attacks – these could all be signs of an anxiety disorder. And if you suffer from generalized anxiety as well – that’s even worse!


What is Celexa?

Celexa is the brand name of citalopram, which is a type of antidepressant that can be used to treat the major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Celexa belongs to a group of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Citalopram has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of depression since 1996, though it was initially regulated as an anti-anxiety medication. Studies show that it may be effective in treating anxiety disorders, but not all studies are in agreement about this.

Celexa helps with anxiety because it influences how your brain processes serotonin, which is one of the main neurotransmitters that affect your mood. Some people may experience side effects while taking Celexa, but these are generally mild and go away within a few weeks.

The most common side effect is nausea, but other possible side effects include nausea, dry mouth, trouble sleeping, diarrhea, headache, feeling jittery or anxious, sleep problems, sexual dysfunction, and more.

It’s important to talk to your doctor if you experience any side effects from Celexa or any other medication so they can help you find the right drug for your treatment plan.

How does Celexa treat anxiety?

SSRIs like Celexa boost serotonin levels in the brain, which causes a reduction in anxiety. It’s like taking an anti-anxiety drug. Celexa is a type of antidepressant that falls under the category of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRI drugs.

SSRIs work by boosting serotonin levels in the brain, which can help reduce feelings of anxiety. SSRIs are typically prescribed to people who suffer from depression, but there are some studies suggesting that they help with anxiety as well.

This appears to be because they increase levels of serotonin in the brain and decrease levels of serotonin in the blood, which can cause less anxious feelings. There’s been some speculation that anxiety may be caused by low levels of serotonin, so this medication could potentially be treating both conditions at once if someone is experiencing both at once.

Studies also show that people taking SSRIs are less likely to experience panic attacks than those not on them, which makes sense considering it would lower their general level of stress.

When to take antidepressants

When and how to take it for anxiety: Does Celexa help with anxiety?

Celexa is typically prescribed to be taken once a day, preferably at night so it can work all throughout the day. Start off with a low dose of 20mg, then increase it by 10mg every few days until you find a dose that works for you.

The most common side effects of taking Celexa are headaches and nausea, but these usually subside after a few weeks. You may also experience weight gain and sexual dysfunction. If you aren’t sure whether Celexa will help with your anxiety, ask your doctor about trying it out.

They can give you both the good news and the bad news before prescribing you anything-and it could be just what you need to finally get your anxiety under control!

Side effects of Celexa for anxiety and depression

Side effects of Celexa (Citalopram) for anxiety and depression
Main side effects of Citalopram

The most common side effects of Citalopram are nausea, dry mouth, sleeping difficulties which can present with drowsiness or trouble sleeping, and excessive sweating. Other side effects of citalopram that are not as common are weakness, dizziness, feeling anxious, shaking, reduced appetite, constipation, diarrhea, respiratory infections, Headache, Joint pain, Muscle spasms, and Weight changes.

Celexa is a medication that has been approved for the treatment of depression, but it can also be used to treat anxiety. There are many different side effects associated with taking Celexa for anxiety or depression (depending on what you’re using it for).

Some of these side effects can include nausea, dry mouth, sleeping difficulties (either drowsiness or trouble sleeping), sweating more than usual, weakness, dizziness, feeling anxious, shaking, reduced appetite, constipation, and diarrhea. Other side effects may include respiratory infections in some people and some rarer side effects such as headache, joint pain, and muscle spasms.

Before we talk about how Celexa helps anxiety, it’s important to mention that Celexa is not usually prescribed for anxiety alone. Most people will struggle with depression and anxiety at some point in their life, so it’s not uncommon to be on two medications at once.

In my personal experience, Celexa has helped tremendously with both depression and anxiety. However, there can be side effects of taking Celexa.

For example, weight gain is common among those taking this medication. It’s also possible for your sex drive to decrease or become nonexistent when taking this medication as well. I would just want you to know these side effects before starting a course of treatment with Celexa!

Celexa side effects in females

In my personal experience, I found Celexa to be the most helpful drug for my depression and anxiety. However, there are some pretty severe side effects that come with it. One of these is the sexual problems in females and males it can cause.

Other common side effects for women include painful periods, weight gain or weight loss, insomnia (trouble sleeping), and digestive problems such as diarrhea. indigestion. nausea and vomiting. Moreover, most people experience drowsiness, dry mouth, and fatigue (low energy).

I experienced many of these side effects of Celexa firsthand. For me, the trade-off was worth it because I needed to feel better and had no other alternatives. But it’s important that you know about the risks before you start taking any medication for depression or anxiety.

Celexa side effects first week

Celexa can be beneficial for both depression and anxiety because it can help to increase serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate our moods, so when we don’t have enough of it, it can lead to depressive symptoms like sadness or hopelessness.

When we do have enough serotonin and are feeling anxious, the drug will start working to reduce those feelings as well. One of the downsides of Celexa is that it has a variety of side effects right off the bat.

Headaches, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, increased sweating, feeling nervous, restless or fatigued after taking Celexa are all common side effects during the first week or two of regular dosing.

However, these side effects usually go away after that time period as you adjust to your new medication dosage.

How long do initial side effects of Celexa last?

Celexa is a relatively common drug prescribed for depression and anxiety. It’s used to help with feelings of sadness and hopelessness, as well as the physical symptoms of depression.

For most people, Celexa has few side effects, but those few side effects can last upwards of two weeks.

The most common side effect is nausea, which usually won’t last more than a week before it subsides. Other possible side effects include:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Numbness or tingling in the extremities.

However, if you are experiencing any serious side effects like chest pain or shortness of breath, contact your physician immediately!

The Good News: You can still feel good while on Celexa!

How To Know If Celexa Is Right For You?

There is good news and bad news when it comes to medications prescribed for anxiety. The bad news is that they are usually not very effective at treating anxiety. The good news is that Celexa is one of the exceptions!

It may not be as quick-acting as some, but it does have anti-anxiety properties that can help with panic attacks and withdrawal symptoms seen in some other drugs. The best thing about Celexa for anxiety sufferers? You can still feel good while on it!

Unlike many other treatments for depression and anxiety, Celexa doesn’t make you feel high or detached from reality. It simply works to treat the underlying causes of your condition. That means you can be productive, happy, and healthy without feeling like a zombie!

How To Know If Celexa Is Right For You?

Before you start taking any medication, it’s important to know if it is the right fit for your needs. If you’ve been experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety for some time and are not responding to other treatments, then it may be worth talking to your doctor about Celexa.

Celexa has been clinically shown to provide relief from symptoms of depression and anxiety and is a well-known drug used by patients who don’t respond to other medications.

It is another SSRI – serotonin reuptake inhibitor – that works by increasing the amount of serotonin in your brain. If you want more information on how Celexa can help with anxiety, then talk to your doctor today!

How effective is citalopram for anxiety?

Citalopram, the generic name for Celexa, is a popular drug prescribed for depression and other mood-related disorders. It’s one of the many drugs that often treat anxiety as well. Celexa has been used to treat anxiety since it was approved by the FDA in 2002.

66% of reviewers who tried citalopram reported a positive experience with it, while 15% had a negative experience.

If you’ve been suffering from anxiety and are considering trying antidepressants, citalopram might be worth a try!

Does citalopram calm you down?

Yes, Citalopram will help you feel calm and relaxed but will take some time before you notice the full effects.

Celexa is one of the drugs commonly prescribed for depression and anxiety, but does it also help treat anxiety? The short answer is yes!

Let’s take a look at why and how
 In my experience, anxiety and depression are often two sides of the same coin. Both come from an inability to cope with stress and negative experiences, which is why most people who experience one of them will likely experience the other at some point.

While both can be treated with medication, finding the right one or combination can be difficult. Celexa should help you feel calm and relaxed but will take some time before you notice the full effects.

Is 10mg citalopram enough for anxiety?

The normal dose is 20 mg but if you are taking citalopram to prevent panic attacks, your starting dose will usually be 10mg once a day. In some cases, 10mg is enough to provide relief from anxiety.

Some people might experience side effects like nausea or headaches with that dosage, but in some cases, those side effects are manageable. The next question you should ask yourself is if this drug is right for you.

If you’re on other medications, it’s important to talk to your doctor about possible interactions, especially if they may increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. If coming off Celexa and going back on Celexa again doesn’t help, your doctor may prescribe a different medication.

There are many drugs available for depression and anxiety (benzodiazepines). These drugs can help with short-term relief from panic attacks or anxiety episodes.

Is Celexa or Lexapro better for anxiety?

Both Celexa and Lexapro are effective in the treatment of various anxiety disorders but a study conducted among patients visiting our clinic and confirmed by other studies found Lexapro to be more effective as compared to Celexa.

Lexapro helped alleviate anxiety in a way other antidepressants couldn’t by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Studies show that Lexapro is more effective for anxiety than Celexa. The National Institute of Mental Health conducted research and concluded that Lexapro was more effective overall, even when compared to other antidepressant medications.

Lexapro helped alleviate anxiety in a way that other drugs couldn’t because it inhibits the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine. If you are experiencing depression, this might not work as well for you, but if you have anxiety, this is likely what your doctor will prescribe to help ease your symptoms.

How to manage the side effects of Celexa

The management of Celexa’s side effects depends on the side effect.

  • For nausea management when taking Celexa, you can take Celexa with food
  • For dry mouth, you can use over-the-counter mouthwashes, sprays, or lozenges.
  • For drowsiness when taking Celexa, you can take the medication in the evening so that you can be alert and not drowsy during the day or when operating machinery, or when driving
  • If you are sweating profusely when taking Celexa, you have to take lots of fluids to stay hydrated
  • If you are exercising or in hot weather while taking Celexa, also ensure that you are hydrated
  • If you’re experiencing sexual side effects, talk to your doctor about lowering the dose or switching to a different drug
  • Some people experience weight gain on Celexa– if you find yourself up a dress size or two, try eating healthier and exercising more.

Do citalopram side effects go away?

Citalopram, the active chemical in Celexa, has been found to be effective in treating both depression and anxiety. The drug binds to serotonin receptors in the brain and helps regulate the neurotransmitter in an effort to boost mood.

While it is not clear how citalopram works for everyone, some people find that it does help with anxiety symptoms. The one thing you will want to watch out for when taking this medication is side effects, which can include dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, nausea, and diarrhea.

These side effects should subside after a few days if they’re temporary or go away completely if they’re long-term.

If you notice any other unusual side effects or if these side effects become severe, please let your doctor know as soon as possible so he or she can advise you on what to do next.

What is the best time of the day to take Citalopram?

Citalopram is one of the drugs prescribed for depression and anxiety, but does it also help with anxiety? While it’s not expressly a drug prescribed to help with anxiety, that doesn’t mean it won’t be helpful. It all depends on the severity of your symptoms.

In my experience, Citalopram is most effective when used as a “booster” during periods of extreme stress or any time anxiety seems to spike.

The best time for you to take Citalopram would be in the morning if you are having trouble sleeping at night.

You should make sure you don’t take it too late in the evening because there can be a risk of insomnia.

Is it best to take citalopram at night?

You can take it at any time but if you have trouble sleeping we recommend taking Citalopram in the morning.

Citalopram is typically prescribed for the treatment of depression and anxiety and is usually taken in pill form.

It’s important to take it regularly, as missing doses can put you at risk for withdrawal symptoms or relapse. You can take it at any time but if you have trouble sleeping we recommend taking Citalopram in the morning.

If you do experience insomnia or difficulty falling asleep, we recommend taking your dose about an hour before bedtime with a glass of water.

Citalopram for anxiety how long does it take to work

The Initial effects of Citalopram for anxiety disorders (such as generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, panic disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder) are in most cases experienced within two weeks of regular dosing and then improvements will continue. The full effects of the drug are felt after 6 weeks for most people.

Celexa is used for depression and anxiety. For those who experience both, it can be difficult to figure out which medications will help with which symptoms. Celexa has been the most successful antidepressant for my general anxiety disorder and depression.

I started taking it about six months ago and I’ve noticed a huge difference in how I feel on a day-to-day basis. Side effects of Celexa: One of the biggest side effects of celexa is weight gain because this medication makes you hungry and lowers your metabolism.

If you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your current weight, this could be a problem. The other side effect is sexual dysfunction, which can include decreased sex drive, difficulty during sex, inability to orgasm, and delayed ejaculation.

The good news is that sexual dysfunction should get better over time once you stop taking the drug.

My opinion? As a person who has dealt with both anxiety and depression my whole life, I would say that Celexa has helped me more than any other medication by far – especially when it comes to managing my generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It doesn’t create as many side effects as some others and it’s worth trying if you’re having trouble finding success with another treatment option.

How quickly does citalopram work on anxiety?

Initial effects are felt within 2 weeks but it may take up to 6 weeks for you to experience the full benefit of Celexa. A lot of people ask me if Celexa really works for anxiety.

In my experience, it does. After taking it for a few days, I noticed some positive changes. First of all, my mood improved and the heavy feeling that had been weighing on me lifted. I also found myself sleeping better for the first time in months.

Those were both big factors in my ability to manage stress and anxiety more effectively. The first 2 weeks are when you’ll feel the most significant effect from Celexa.

You may not notice any changes until then because it takes a little bit of time for your brain to adjust to the medication but after that initial period, you should start to see the benefits more quickly.

Remember that everyone’s body reacts differently so don’t be discouraged if you don’t feel any immediate effects or just don’t get as much relief as others do. Some people take up to 6 weeks before they start noticing a difference in their symptoms!


Celexa is one of the drugs commonly prescribed for depression and anxiety, but does it also help treat anxiety? The short answer is yes! Let’s take a look at why and how. Many people who experience depression are also likely to experience anxiety.

They are often two sides of the same coin— both come from an inability to cope with stress and negative experiences. While both can be treated with medication, finding the right one or combination can be difficult.

Celexa helps with symptoms like panic attacks and social phobia because it acts on serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate moods, emotions, sleep patterns, appetite, sexual desire, memory, learning ability, neurodevelopmental processes (like motor skills), and more.

When serotonin levels are too low or imbalanced in some way (either through genetics or stress), mood disorders like depression and anxiety can manifest. Celexa works by balancing those serotonin levels so that your body goes back to its natural state where you’re able to function without feeling anxious or depressed.

While there are many types of antidepressants on the market today (SSRIs being among them), Celexa has been shown to have fewer side effects than other types of SSRIs– especially when taken long-term.


Does Celexa treat anxiety?

Yes, it does. Celexa is a drug that treats depression and anxiety – two sides of the same coin. The SSRI helps to increase the available serotonin in the brain leading to relief from anxiety symptoms.

What are the side effects of Celexa?

The main side effects of Celexa are weight gain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, increased sweating, and so on. The most common are Nausea (21%), Dry mouth (20%), Sleeping difficulties (drowsiness [18%] or trouble sleeping [15%]), Excessive sweating (11%), Weakness, Dizziness, Feeling anxious, Shaking, Reduced appetite, Constipation, Diarrhea, and Respiratory infections.

How long can you stay on Celexa?

At our clinic, as also seen by other doctors, we recommend anxiety patients take antidepressants including Celexa for 6 months to a year. During that time, you should see an improvement in your mood and anxiety. After the recommended period, if your symptoms have improved to a point that you’re feeling comfortable without medication, then Celexa is no longer necessary.

Dr. David Barlow

David is a well-known researcher and author in the anxiety disorders area with extensive research on their etiology, nature, and treatment. He started the site to share his real-life experiences on the management of anxiety disorders with successful diagnosis and treatment being his motivation to write or review the content on this site.